Govt studies Bangka Belitung for nuclear plant

The government is ready to commence a feasibility study to build a nuclear power plant in South and West Bangka, Bangka Belitung, next year in a bid to realize the country’s long-awaited dream to have its first nuclear power plant.

National Atomic Energy Agency (Batan) head Hudi Hastowo said Wednesday that Bangka Belitung was among the best locations to situate the country’s first nuclear power plant not only due to its conducive geographical condition, but also because of strong public support for the plan.

“Bangka Belitung is different from other planned nuclear power plant locations. The public welcomes the plan and declares that they’re proud to be the host of Indonesia’s first nuclear power plant,” he told a discussion at Hotel Ambhara in Jakarta.

Indonesia currently has three nuclear reactors – in Serpong, Banten, in Yogyakarta and in Bandung, West Java. Together the reactors can produce around 90 megawatts of electricity.

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