EPA praises Taiwan’s green procurement efforts

Reporting of green purchasing by civil organizations, government bodies, private enterprises and stores almost doubled in value to reach NT$45 billion (US$1.52 billion) in 2012 compared with the previous year, indicating strong potential for the domestic green product market, the ROC Environmental Protection Administration said Sept. 25.

A total of 18 government bodies, 59 private enterprises and civil organizations with purchases of at least NT$20 million, 18 stores promoting green products and eight local environmental agencies that implemented green procurement plans were singled out by the EPA Sept. 25 for meritorious achievement.

EPA Minister Stephen Shu-hung Shen said the green procurement rate for government agencies hit 94.87 percent in 2012, worth more than NT$9.5 billion. A total of 827 private enterprises and organizations, up from 664 in 2011, declared the value of their green procurement at more than NT$7.8 billion, almost double the 2011 figure of NT$3.98 billion.

Close to 11,000 stores reported sales of green-certificated products worth more than NT$27.4 billion. The strong growth records demonstrate the strength of the nation’s green economy, he added.

The number of public enterprises reporting green purchasing of at least NT$20 million increased by almost 30 percent in 2012 from 45 firms in 2011, the EPA said. Among these, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Chunghwa Telecom Co. Ltd.’s Southern Taiwan Business Group, Chung Hwa Pulp Corp.’s Chiutang Mill and Shinkong Synthetic Fibers Corp. procured more than NT$500 million of green products.

Many green stores were commended by the EPA for sales of various green-certificated products. These include automobiles, motorbikes, household electrical appliances, construction materials, bulk goods, daily necessities, stationery, and computers, consumer electronics and communication devices. The administration also noted Chunghwa Telecom’s success in establishing an online marketplace for selling ecofriendly products.

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