CDP appoints Dedy Mahardika as Southeast Asia and Oceania engagement manager

Mahardika moves from conservation investment firm Lestari Capital, based in Jakarta.

Dedy Mahardika, CDP
Dedy Mahardika's role at CDP, formerly Carbon Disclosure Project, will involve engaging corporations around Southeast Asia to drive more uptake of science-based climate targets. Image: LinkedIn

CDP, a carbon measurement company, has appointed Dedy Mahardika as engagement manager for Southeast Asia and Oceania.

Based in Jakarta, Mahardika’s role will involve engaging corporations around the region to take up science-based climate targets, which are goals for companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris Agreement on climate change.

He joins CDP from Lestari Capital, a conservation finance firm that launched a scheme called Rimba Collective a year ago that attempts to combine forest conservation with palm oil procurement.

Mahardika was programme officer or Rimba Collective, and his role involved aligning the programme with climate policy and international decarbonisation commitments. He joined Lestari Capital in July last year.

Prior to Lestari Capital, Mahardika was climate programme analyst for World Resources Institute (WRI). Over a four-year period with the organisation, he worked to improve climate data transparency in Indonesia.

Mahardika has a Master of Science in Environment and Energy Engineering from Kyungpook National University, South Korea and a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Universitas Indonesia.

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