Asean to advance regional energy cooperation

Association of Southeast Asian Nations Photo: Channel News Asia

Asean energy ministers have agreed to concrete proposals to advance regional energy cooperation at their meeting in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei.

Singapore was represented at the two-day meeting from September 20 to 21 by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Trade and Industry, S Iswaran.

The Ministry of Trade and Industry on Wednesday said the ministers agreed on the need to expedite regional connectivity projects such as the Asean Power Grid and Trans-Asean Gas Pipeline.

This would open new market opportunities and boost overall energy security.

The ministers have tasked senior officials and power authorities in the region to work with the Asean Energy Regulators Network to speed up the harmonisation of regulatory practices and technical standards across the region.

Private sector involvement would also be actively sought as a catalyst for the implementation of the Asean Power Grid.

The Asean ministers also discussed regional nuclear safety developments following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear incident.

Noting the plans of some Asean member states to pursue nuclear energy as an option in the medium term, the ministers emphasised that Asean should promote and uphold the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) standards of safety and security in the development of civilian nuclear energy.

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