IX World Aqua Congress

Reviving Traditional Water & Environment Conservation Techniques: In the face of mounting water and environmental crisis in the world, various groups have begun a campaign to promote a more sustainable lifestyle. Aqua Foundation, a non-governmental organization, has taken multiple initiatives over the years, to deal with these issues holistically, rather than applying quick-fix solutions to individual aspects.

Aqua Foundation’s philosophy relies on an inclusive understanding of the interconnections between all the elements of an ecosystem: plants, animals, people, and climate. Organization also believes that efforts are not yielding desirable results due to the fact that the building blocks of the universe i.e. five elements (Panch Tatwa- Water, Earth, Energy/ Fire, Air and Space) are being dealt separately, completely in isolation and against the very fundamental nature of these elements i.e. interdependence and interconnectedness. This is where we have a lot to learn from traditional practices wherein our ancestors mastered the art of living in harmony with nature, while preserving a perfect balance between the five elements (Panch-Mahabhutas).

For long Traditional Wisdom has been seen as opposite of Modern Science. The organization is tirelessly working to change this notion and incorporate useful elements of traditional conservation practices as well as modern science and technology, to arrive at a comprehensive solution to present day’s problems and future challenges.

Previous conferences organized by Aqua Foundation initiated a useful dialogue on these aspects. VII WAC (2013) was conducted with theme of ‘Balancing Five Elements strategically towards sustainability’ followed up by VIII WAC (2014) on ‘Balancing Development and Environment’

Various experiments of reviving traditional practices have already yielded desirable results in many parts of the country. Realizing the need to unify diverse efforts being put forward by various individuals and organizations, Aqua Foundation is organizing IX World Aqua Congress on the topic of “Reviving Traditional Water & Environment Conservation Techniques”.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Praggya Sharmaa
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