Are you a stakeholder contributing to Sustainable Forest Management in SEA?
PEFC is bringing two case studies to get regional actors collaborating. In a call for action we will discuss new and emerging technologies to be utilised in sustainable forest management and responsible trade.
This session builds on PEFC’s 2017 Stakeholder Dialogue: Making Certification SMART with partners- aimed at re-imagining how forest certification should re-equip for the next decade.
The following organisations will be highlight their commitment to Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) & Responsible Trade:
- The Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification: with more than 300 million hectares and 18,000 companies, PEFC will share how it is developing systems in the region, especially for smallholders
- Trimble Forestry: Leading technology provider for integrated forestry solutions will be discussing the importance of forestry technology in South East Asia as well as provide live demos of their products
- Double Helix: Innovation & technology in verification systems; scientific testing- DNA & Isotope analysis & document verification system at a consignment level
- Rumble Tools: Leveraging on the use of drones for assessment, monitoring & fighting fires
There will be two sessions taking us from “Global to Molecule”:
- Session 1- 10:00 AM: IT at the Landscape scale using the case study of Working in partnerships to bring sustainable management to Myanmar’s forests - Monitoring forests with databases and satellite technology to make systems work at the global, national and estate level
- Session 2 – 2:00 PM: IT at a smallholder scale enabling Smallholders into responsible supply chains with partners such as the Luang Prabang Teak Program - Group Certification & Tracking wood with chain of custody management systems, consignment tracking and DNA fingerprinting
Each session will have a panel discussion engaging in dialogue for further collaboration and build new partnerships. This workshop is a great opportunity for networking and sharing commitments by regional stakeholders.
Welcome & Networking over Coffee Starts at 9:00 AM
Sponsor/exhibitor contact
Keterina Chong
[javascript protected email address]
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