Infrastructure Sustainability Conference - excellence IS spreading

The Infrastructure Sustainability Conference will address key issues, trends and opportunities for sustainability in infrastructure as it relates to all industry stakeholders from public and private owners and operators, consultants, contractors, suppliers and decommissioners; as well as all infrastructure asset types from transport, water, energy to communications.

The 2015 conference theme “excellence IS spreading” has inspired a broad range of presentations and panel topics in the areas of:

  • Sustainability thought leadership
  • Workforce infrastructure sustainability
  • Economic infrastructure sustainability
  • Innovative industry collaboration
  • Developing the community of practice
  • Industry projects and case studies

Speakers include:

  • Zheng Xiaoping, China City Development Foundation
  • Martin Fryer, Auckland Airport
  • Tom Grosskopf, Office of Environment and Heritage
  • Carolyn McNally, NSW Department of Planning & Environment

as well as…

  • Leisel Moorhead, QIC
  • Helen Willoughby and Ivan Neville, Australian Government Department of Employment
  • Marko Misko, Clayton Utz
  • Charlie Hargroves, Curtin University
  • Chris Greenaway, Laing O’Rourke Australia
  • Glenn Hedges, EIC Activities
  • Ross Davies, BlueScope
  • Rebecca Miller, RPS Australia Asia Pacific
  • Suzanna Remmerwal, AECOM
  • Ashley Hernandez (nee Stevenson, Aurecon Australasia
  • Rob Rouwette, start2see Pty Ltd
  • Richard Palmer, WSP Asia Pacific
  • Renuka Sabaratnam, John Holland NWRL & Supply Chain Sustainability School
  • QLD Government Department of Infrastructure Local Government and Planning
  • Jonas Bengtsson, Edge Environment
  • Dr Viv Heslop, Sustainability Manager, Waterfront Auckland

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Hayley Jarick
[javascript protected email address]

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