IIX Impact Partners investor showcase webinar

IIX Impact Partners investor showcase webinar

As part of connecting partners in this Impact space, IIX presents a quarterly webinar series that features a collection of Impact Enterprises that represent strong and validated impact results for their community and world at large.

Year on year, our investor showcases have provided investors insights into Impact Enterprises that exhibit the best impact investment potential for them.

To drive the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development more, this year we will feature enterprises that help address specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that you may be interested to support.

Series - Part 1 - Climate. Wellbeing. Responsible Production.

In this webinar, we look at some organisations that create impact in their community and put Climate action (SDG13), Good Health & Wellbeing (SDG3) and Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG12) into action.

A Peek into…

  • Companies that are well-positioned to fuel economic recovery in Asia
  • Creating deep impact, with high potential for scalability
  • Founders and leaders of Enterprise
  • Investment term sheets

3 Growth-stage entities

  • A tech-enabled digital and social waste management company
  • Ag-tech company focused on alternative condiments
  • An integrated distributor and retailer of low-cost vaccines

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

[javascript protected email address]

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