How to Communicate Sustainability MasterClass

No matter where in the world you live, sustainability, clean tech, CSR, climate change, green growth, and low carbon economics have all been fraught with complexity and jargon that has seen many switch off to the opportunities in front of them.

So how can you get your message across? How do you get the budgets to deliver your sustainability programs? How do you develop a strategy and narrative that will get results, allow you to have fun and make life easier?

Join us for our Communicating Sustainability MasterClass to discover how easy it can be.

In one day you’ll learn:

√ How to enhance your CSR and sustainability strategy.

√ How to develop policy that gets support from stakeholders.

√ About new consumers and how they make informed purchase decisions.

√ Tools to aid board and or government investment decision making.

√ How to create shared value through storytelling.

√ Why stories win over stats.

√ How to create a hero brand.

√ How to engage the board, inspire employees and get public support for your big ideas and campaigns.

√ How to address the naysayers and climate skeptics.

√ How to achieve attitude and behaviour change in your target audience.

√ The keys to effective CSR story telling.

√ Common sustainability or CSR plots.

√ The principals to avoid green-wash.

√ The Principles of Communicating Sustainability as developed for the UNFCCC, Rio 20+, the OECD, EU Commission and World Economic Forum and how global brands are growing their businesses through the use of these principles.

And much much more…

For full details, registration and an event brochure refer—-Discover-how—-

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Anne-Maree Huxley
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