Corporate Water Valuation: Accounting for Risks and Impacts, Valuing Ecosystem Services

Corporate Water Valuation, also referred to as water accounting or footprinting, brings together experts and practitioners from business, government and civil society to discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with corporate water valuation, a critical area of natural capital valuation for Australian business.

The upcoming seminar will highlight UN and other global tools and initiatives on corporate water valuation, as well as what Australian businesses are doing, alongside government and civil society, to measure and manage their risks, impacts and dependencies on water.

The seminar will address the importance of accounting for the true value of water as a critical economic, ecological and social asset in business and government decision-making processes.  It provides a forum for shared learning on corporate water valuation and seeks to build momentum for collective action by Australian business, government and NGOs in this area.

Guest speakers include senior representatives from: National Water Commission, National Australia Bank, UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA), Veolia Water and Water Stewardship Australia.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Catherine Sutherland
[javascript protected email address]

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