Green Initiatives’ 74th film screening featuring Chemerical, forms part of the Spring Cleaning Week. Chemerical investigates the life cycle of everyday household cleaners and hygiene products to prove that, thanks to our clean obsession, we are drowning in sea of toxicity. The documentary from Andrew Nisker, the creator of the award winning film “Garbage! The Revolution Starts At Home” looks closely at the products we use in our homes and on our bodies to inspire us to live toxic free.
- An entrance fee of ¥50 for all registered guests includes vegan snacks, juice and beer. ¥70 at-the-door for non-registered guests.
- ¥20 for students / interns (limited seats), with valid proof of participation and student card.
We have seating space only for 70 people although we have plenty of standing space. Please come in early to secure a seat.
Sponsor/exhibitor contact
Nitin Dani
[javascript protected email address]
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