CDP’s regional 2021 disclosure workshop webinars | 3-7 May

CDP's regional 2021 disclosure workshop webinars | 3-7 May

CDP welcomes you to our annual regional disclosure workshop webinars for companies in Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. Part of CDP’s 2021 Global Virtual Workshop Series, these regional workshops provide support and guidance for the 2021 disclosure cycle across the topics of our climate change, water security, and forests programmes.

Learn how to get started with our TCFD-aligned disclosures and explore best practices for environmental reporting with insights shared by CDP experts and a responding company.

Register now for the webinars*:


Beginner Disclosure Workshop
Monday, 3 May | 10:00-11:00 GMT+8

This webinar provides an overview of the resources and options available to support companies with their first CDP disclosure, a live demo on how to use CDP’s Online Response System and tips for responding to the CDP questionnaires.

You will also hear from Nic Bishop, Head of Sustainability & Environmental Innovation and Hyrine Munga PhD, Environmental Specialist – Carbon from Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation, a leading responding company with 10 years of experience with CDP disclosure.


Climate Change Disclosure Workshop
Tuesday, 4 May | 10:00-11:00 GMT+8

This webinar is for existing responders to CDP’s Climate Change questionnaire and will focus on year-on-year changes to our Climate Change questionnaire and scoring methodology in 2021.


Forests Disclosure Workshop
Wednesday, 5 May | 10:00-11:00 GMT+8

This webinar highlights the forests commodity risks companies are facing and the growing need for corporate forests data. It will provide training for companies looking to understand the 2021 Forest questionnaire, the reporting guidance, and changes made to the questions.


Water Security Disclosure Workshop
Friday, 7 May | 13:00-14:00 GMT+8

This webinar highlights the main water risks facing businesses, the growing need for corporate water data, and the importance of CDP Water Security disclosure. The session is designed for companies looking to understand the water security disclosure and changes to the water security questions in 2021.


Register now

Learn more about the benefits of disclosure

*Webinars will be recorded and sent to all registrants.

For enquiries, please contact us at:

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