Call for Applications–Global Innovation Initiative for Sustainable Agriculture

Cultiv@te – an innovation initiative of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) supported by the Singapore Government – will curate multi-stakeholder coalitions to tackle key challenges faced by developing countries across the globe and explore opportunities in urban agriculture; rainfed agriculture; and livestock farming and aquaculture.

The world will need to feed nine billion people in 2050 and meeting that demand will require an increase in food production levels by some 70 per cent. The effects of climate change put further strain on dwindling resources, increasing the vulnerability of resource-dependent agricultural sector. Agriculture accounts for around a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions and 68 per cent of global freshwater withdrawals and consumption.

It is imperative to transform existing patterns of production and consumption to achieve responsible and sustainable use of resources. The goal of sustainable agriculture is to meet society’s present food demands without compromising future generations’ ability to meet their own needs.

The programme offers mature growth-stage startups and R&D teams from academic institutions a unique opportunity to work in a number of emerging markets with immense potential and needs. The global cohort will join local innovators, technology experts, corporate mentors, and financiers to co-design solutions with farmers and policy makers.

Sign up here and submit a form along with a write-up explaining how to address the statements for your chosen country.

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