Articulate! Workshop

Social movements have the power to bring industry, government and civil society together for a common purpose, while helping its organisational members amplify their activities. We will be conducting a social movement workshop for organisations looking to explore the possibilities of social movements in more depth.

The workshop will look at how to identify social causes that you can align behind, craft a narrative that others can belief in, and using rapid prototyping techniques, explore collaboration opportunities with potential partners from across sectors.

The workshop is a great way to understand a clear process to start your social movement. The key takeouts will help you plan your organisation’s role in shaping their social impact.


  • How to identify social issues your organisation can credibly get behind
  • Telling your story: how to craft a narrative that can be told by anyone
  • Program Proto-typing Exercise: Participants will craft social movement programs using rapid proto-typing and recieve feedback from a tri-sector perspective


Individual: $50. Group (4+): $160.

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