13th Bioplastics Market

Themed: Enhancing the Bioplastics Supply Chain towards a more circular economy

The Key highlights are:

Regulatory Outlook: Role of government in promoting bioplastics

Brand-owners’ perspectives on bioplastics applications across sectors: from packaging to durables

Sustainable supply of next generation feedstocks & materials

Material Innovations & investment updates: PLA, PHA, PEF, PHB, bio-PA, bio-PE, bio PU

Country Spotlight: China, Japan, Thailand, India, South Korea, Taiwan

Closing the Loop: Technologies and industrial composting facilities update

Reduction/ban of single use plastics & its effect on bioplastics

For more details please contact Ms. Grace Oh - grace@cmtsp.com.sg (65 63469147)


Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Ms. Fiona Pun
[javascript protected email address]

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