10th Anniversary AIDF Global Summit

Hosted by Aid and International Development Forum (AIDF), the 10th anniversary Global Disaster Relief & Development Summit will be held at the Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center in Washington D.C. on the 5-6th of September 2018.

Uniting humanitarian and development leaders, solution providers, and decision-makers from NGOs, government, donor and UN agencies for its 10th year, the Global Disaster Relief & Development Summit will look into emerging global challenges, technological innovations, and opportunities in international aid and development sector.

The Summit will explore latest innovations and good practice in emergency procurement, disaster resilience, data and ICT strategy, humanitarian logistics, emergency health and WASH, financing and payment models, as well as lessons learned from recent emergencies and responses to the global refugee crisis.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Raluca Istratescu
[javascript protected email address]

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