#slavery News

Oil palm estate in Sabah
A new bill aims to update Sabah's labour law and align Malaysia with international standards. It introduces provisions on child labour and improved protections. However, activists stress that educating workers on their rights is crucial.
Lacking protections, seasonal migrant labourers risk a 'cycle of exploitation' in the West, warns UN's special rapporteur on modern slavery.
Seven years after fleeing conflict in Myanmar, displaced Rohingya struggle with aid squeeze in world's biggest refugee camp.
South Korea needs workers, Filipinos need jobs – but a Context probe shows their migrant labour scheme is rife with abuse.
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#slavery Opinion

An updated law prohibiting forced labour is limited to formal employment relationships. Workers in sectors that are unregulated are not sufficiently protected, nor does the law reach workers who have free movement, but suffer mistreatment.
Coltan mine, Congo
When forced labour practices are part of supply chains, it is reasonable to ascertain that environmental degradation may be present too.
clothing women factory
The clothing industry should work harder to prevent and address gender-based violence in their supply chains. In order to do so, they first need to confront how badly their inspection or social auditing programs fail to protect women.
system change climate protest
Our current socio-economic system is built on the exploitation of both people and planet, causing inequality and environmental devastation. To save a world on the brink of ecological and social disaster, calls for greener, more efficient capitalism won’t cut it, writes Zafirah Zein.
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#slavery Videos

migrant fishermen fishing southeast asia
On International Human Rights Day, Greenpeace releases shocking testimonies from Southeast Asian migrants working on board foreign fishing vessels, plying the remote waters to meet Asia's surging demand for seafood.
Solar Cow 2
Yolk Station, a South Korean solar energy company, has installed a renewable energy solution in a remote Kenyan town that can also tackle the problem of child labour.
father shows light to son
Diamonds aren't just for engagement rings and cutting tools—they can bring light to dark places.
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#slavery Research

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