#green jobs News

Activists want the interim government to make climate a priority as it works to restore democracy.
Officer workers in Singapore CBD
As the city-state seeks to expand its sustainable finance workforce over the next few years, the sector’s national certification agency has pushed out a “skills badge” that can be used to assess the green credentials of professionals.
Forward SG Lawrence Wong
This year's budget, which includes a S$5 billion energy fund and investment sweeteners for sustainability initiatives, is seen as one that will signal the future priorities for the city-state's new generation of leaders.
CDP business card with leafy backdrop
Exclusive Of 52 global roles created by the climate disclosure non-profit, none are in Asia – despite it previously announcing a strategic pivot towards the most important region for greenhouse gas emissions cuts. The restructure comes as CDP separates from standards body SBTi.
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#green jobs Opinion

Workers worldwide will need the expertise and resources to drive the fossil fuel-free agenda forward.
Oil and gas fields located in Tarim Basin in central Xinjiang, China.
Volatility in oil and gas markets has been devastating for middle-income energy exporters, which produce nearly half of the world’s oil and gas. As the world shifts to renewables, these countries must adopt strategies to ensure that the transition does not harm workers and communities.
Surabaya has increased the focus on city greening
The Indonesian city of Surabaya put in public parks where others put in buildings. It is now reaping the creative, economic and cooling benefits.
Covid-19 rapid testing in Hanoi, Viet Nam
The world's imperfect responses to climate change, biodiversity loss, the Covid-19 pandemic, rising energy and food costs, and war reveal international systems in dire need of redesign.
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#green jobs Podcasts

JET-P Indonesia podcast
The populous coal-rich powerhouse has six months to tell investors how it plans to spend G7 money to decarbonise equitably. We ask experts about the risks, strategy, and opportunities.
Green School students visit a school in Bali, Indonesia
Most schools only teach the science of climate change. Green School gives the skills needed to live in a warming world. Eco-Business asked Green School's Leslie Medema how to be real with children about climate change without scaring them.
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