#data centres News

Advocates point to lower emissions despite high costs and long-term footprint.
Google singapore data centre
EB Studio The tech major has been investing heavily in the region to leverage digital growth opportunities, and encouraging local sustainability ventures to use its advanced software tools.
Google AI First workshop
EB Studio Artificial intelligence can be a force for good but there are challenges in building an AI-ready workforce. A new report sizes up Singapore’s AI opportunity and finds that Singapore businesses can gain up to S$198.3 billion in economic benefits in 2030 if they turn to AI-powered solutions.
Manila Water’s Three-River System Masterplan
But it is Singapore and Vietnam which have made the most progress in reaching climate goals over the past year, as the region grapples to meet US$1.5 trillion required to achieve 2030 emissions targets.
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#data centres Opinion

Google fourth data centre in Singapore
Since the release of ChatGPT, the world has seen a surge in investment and use of artificial intelligence. The social and economic impacts of this boom have provoked reactions, but the environmental costs have received far less attention.
Two Indonesian girls hover over a laptop in a part in Sumenep, Madura, an island north east of Java
Indonesia's soaring post-pandemic digital economy is being powered mainly by coal. The archipelago needs to find ways to decouple rapid data centre growth from carbon emissions.
London smart city
Greater awareness of sustainability coupled with the need to adopt digital solutions during the pandemic has ensured that cities continue to become smarter by the day.
social media young people exploitation
Young people are increasingly connected by social media and other digital technology, with one in three people under the age of 18 with access to the Internet. This means more and more children are left vulnerable to sexual exploitation in an era where women are hyper-sexualised in popular culture.
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#data centres Videos

Journey to net-zero Keppel video
EB Studio Our urban infrastructure is responsible for almost 40 per cent of global carbon emissions. Climate solutions need to include the biggest energy guzzlers, clean energy and retrofitting old buildings.
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