#Covid-19 News

As fruit bats die en masse in parts of India, experts stress the need for research as they fear the loss of these bats could have huge ecological consequences.
BDO Unibank_Federico Tancongco
EB Studio Federico P. Tancongco, senior vice president and chief compliance officer of the Philippines' largest lender, tells Eco-Business why he does not foresee the bank walking back on its commitments to tighten coal-related financing.
Once the election results are in, deepening hardship in Indian villages will need policy action on jobs and climate, analysts say.
Indra Water_treatment
The water crisis is sparking more interest from private equity and start-ups are dishing out solutions that are less capital-intensive, observe industry watchers. The data, however, points to a picture that is more mixed, with stop-start investment cycles that are largely cyclical.
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#Covid-19 Opinion

Chinese policymakers face difficult choices in setting climate goals. Some appear technical but have significant implications for environmental outcomes.
Across the region, it’s never been more critical to cultivate a resilient healthcare workforce capable of addressing climate-induced public health issues.
Rising costs of living and airfares point to long-haul travel being affordable for fewer people. It also might re-shape the way we think about tourism.
Healthcare rural India
If companies getting involved in the public health domain hope to make a difference, they must have a deep understanding of health systems, including the institutions, organisations, and resources that comprise them.
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#Covid-19 Videos

A green iguana
The origin of Covid-19 is believed to be a market selling live wild animals. Eco-Business asked Anbarasi Boopal of Singapore-based animal welfare charity Acres about the link between the exploitation of animals and pandemics, and what can be done to curb the illegal wildlife trade.
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#Covid-19 Podcasts

women founders tech
What are the dangers of gender bias in technology design and what are the market opportunities for womentech—technologies that centre the needs of women?
The EB Podcast talked to Rob Kaplan
2020 was a bad year plastic recycling and ocean pollution. Eco-Business asked Circulate Capital CEO Rob Kaplan how the circular economy can be rebuilt in Asia this year.
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leaf background pattern

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