WOC “Sustainable Ocean Summit” updated program now available

The latest program for the 3rd Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) – the global ocean business community conference on responsible ocean industry operations – is now posted here.

SOS 2015 sponsorship opportunities are available for companies and organizations seeking to advance industry leadership and collaboration in addressing ocean sustainability challenges. Click here for sponsorship information.

Hinchliffe added that, “It is critical for the ocean business community to share experience among the sectors that have a stake in both the future health of the ocean and in the future of responsible ocean use. The SOS is a rare opportunity for the diverse ocean business community to come together to address these needs and opportunities.”

The draft SOS 2015 conference program includes the following proposed sessions:

Plenary sessions:

  • Investment and Innovation for Ocean Sustainability
  • Ocean + 50: Ocean Industry Projections and the Future of the Ocean Economy
  • Ocean Executive Forum: Exploring Industry Leadership and Collaboration Across the Sectors
  • Singapore and the Blue Economy

Parallel Sessions - Sector Spotlights

  • Marine Mining: Opportunities and Challenges for a New Ocean Industry
  • Shipping, Sustainability and Synergies: Engaging Green Shipping Initiatives with Each Other and with Other Ocean Industries
  • Rig Decommissioning and Vessel Recycling: Exploring the Synergies
  • SE Asia and Coral Reefs: Responsible Ocean Industry Operations in the ”Coral Triangle”

Parallel Sessions - WOC Programs: Progress and Plans

  • Ocean Policy and Governance: Creating an Informed and Engaged Ocean Business Community
  • Smart Ocean-Smart Industries: Industry Data Collection to Improve Ocean Knowledge
  • Arctic: Business Leadership and Collaboration for Responsible Artic Development
  • Marine Spatial Planning/Ocean Zoning: Ensuring that Ocean Planning Engages Ocean Industries
  • Sound and the Marine Environment: Creating a Global, Multi-Industry Approach
  • Marine Debris: Reducing the Industry Input of Plastics and Other Wastes through Adequate Port Reception Facilities
  • BioFouling and Invasive Species: Understanding and Addressing a Global, Multi-Industry Issue
  • Sea Level Rise/Extreme Events: Port and Coastal Infrastructure Adaptation and Resilience

Parallel Sessions - Other Hot Ocean Issues

  • Fisheries and Extractive Industries: Understanding the Interactions and Resolving the Conflicts
  • *NEW* Big Ocean Data: The Business of Marine Data Collection, Management, Analysis and Mapping
  • *NEW* Blue Carbon: Carbon Sequestration through Marine Ecosystem Management
  • *NEW* Blue Solutions for Business, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development
  • *NEW* Ocean Acidification: Understanding and Addressing this Emerging Global Ocean Challenge

Until 31 July presentation abstracts may be submitted here.

The WOC is especially seeking presentations by and for the ocean business community and will give preference to presentations from private sector representatives. Proposed presentations from government agencies, intergovernmental bodies, research or academic institutions, NGOs or others who are working closely with ocean industries will also be considered.

SOS 2015 will bring together a wide range of ocean industries, including: shipping, oil and gas, fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, offshore renewable energy, marine mining, ports, dredging, submarine cables, marine science/technology, biotechnology, the maritime legal, financial and insurance communities, and others.

Conference space is limited so register early to secure a place at this unique, timely multi-industry event. For a limited time, the SOS 2015 venue – the Marina Mandarin hotel – has special conference room rates available.

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