Webinar – What is the next step for CPV commercialization in the US?

PV Insider have released details of their hotly anticipated free webinar entitled: “What is the next step for CPV commercialization in the US?” taking place Wednesday August 10th.

The market for concentrated photovoltaics in the US has been demonstrating promise: earlier this year it was reported that over 450MW of CPV was now in development, under construction, or in operation in the United States, as part of almost 700MW worldwide.  However, support for the technology in this new market has been far from overwhelming, sustained and unanimous.  The number of US-based utility scale CPV projects pales into insignificance against super-scale CSP and the quantity of thin film and crystalline silicon installations.  Moreover, investors and end-users have so far proved reluctant to throw their total support behind CPV, as it demonstrates all the usual growing pains of an emerging market.

To develop these themes in greater depth, PV Insider has organized a webinar as part of their ‘CPV Week’ entitled ‘What is the next step for CPV commercialization in the US?’  The 60 minute session takes place on Wednesday, August 10th at 10.00 PST / 13.00 EST / 18.00 GMT.  It will feature a live Q&A as well as a series of industry polls, and is presented by:

Andy Skumanich, Founder & CEO at SolarVision Consulting
Clark Crawford, VP Sales & Business Development at Soitec
Lewis Fraas, President of JX Crystals

Together, these experts will debate the critical factors currently helping and hindering progression in the USA, identifying the obstacles standing between CPV and real market share.  Skumanich will also provide an analysis of the current and potential progress of CPV, answering the critical question: how and when can we can compete with other solar technologies?

The webinar can be joined for free at https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/538761486 – but you must register before Tuesday 9th August.  The programme is part of the preparation for the 3rd Concentrated Photovoltaic Summit USA, which is taking place 14-15 November in San Jose.

More information about both the webinar and the event can be found at www.pv-insider.com/cpv or contact Matt Carr at matt@pv-insider.com

PS: You don’t have to leave the office to attend a webinar; you just need your computer and a good internet connection to hear the presentations and see the supporting slides. To learn more about what is a webinar and how does it work, visit the PV Insider guide to this webinar: http://www.pv-insider.com/cpv/webinar.shtml

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