VISIONEDGE Technologies Winner of IAIR Award - Best in Sustainability

VISIONEDGE Technologies Pte Ltd (VT), a leading firm that specialises in connecting and facilitating clean technologies, projects and financing across the Asia Pacific region and the founder of the Cleantech Marketplace Forum, today announced that the company was awarded for its innovation and sustainability and won the prestigious IAIR Award for Best Company for Sustainability Cleantech South East Asia.

The IAIR AWARDS ( is one of the world’s leading ranking and prize for excellences in global economy and sustainability. Over 300 people and 60 companies from around the world attended the award ceremony and gala dinner in Hong Kong on 28th Feb 2014.

The award was presented to VT for its commitment to promote green businesses by assisting the expansion of high-growth technology-based companies, especially in the cleantech sector. Its Business Incubator and Enterprise Accelerator Programmes have been recognized by the most important sustainable and governmental institutions around.

Winners have been selected based on surveys conducted with thousands of global companies, financial institutions and international law firms worldwide.

“This award affirms our position in the industry and is a testament to VISIONEDGE’s commitment to delivering an enabling platform for the adoption of clean technologies across the region by providing access of technology buyers, sellers, investors, project developers and other intermediaries to SMEs which otherwise do not have the resources and international network for such outreach,” said Mr. Patrick Chan, Managing Director of VISIONEDGE Technologies Pte Ltd and co-founder of the Cleantech Marketplace Forum.

“I hope our success can inspire many more companies to scale the peak of excellence in sustainability and ride on the megatrend of sustainability towards business success in the new green economy.”

The Cleantech Marketplace Forum is a global platform facilitating the matching of cleantech companies with low carbon technologies or solutions, against projects, investment and financing and vice versa, across Asia Pacific, Europe and North America.

The objectives of the Cleantech Marketplace Forum are to bridge the critical gaps between low carbon technologists, project developers and financiers/investors, and help drive low carbon, climate resilient, sustainable growth and increase investment in the deployment of proven technologies to address climate change challenges.

In collaboration with Asian Development Bank (ADB), Global Cleantech Cluster Association (GCCA) and Singapore High Technology Association (SHTA), VT organised the inaugural Cleantech Marketplace Forum (CMF) in Singapore last September, a first of its kind event held in Singapore addressing the market based solutions for accelerating low carbon technology transfer in Asia. Delegates comprised of technology proponents, IP vendors, investors targeting at all segments of the value chain.

The second CMF was held in Hong Kong on 28th February 2014. The third CTMF is scheduled on 10th April in Singapore and will showcase cleantech businesses from the region which are looking for investors. Further CMF in the pipeline are to be held in Silicon Valley, Vancouver, Geneva, Dubai, Beijing, tapping on regional cleantech events by Global Cleantech Cluster Association (GCCA) or local partners.

VT is also the implementation consultant for ADB’s Low Carbon Technology Marketplace (LCTM), a robust platform to match buyers and sellers of upstream IP and downstream low carbon technology solutions.

For cleantech IPs or technology solutions looking for Asia Pacific market, the LCTM serves as a good platform allowing companies to reach out to potential buyers, as they will be able to tap on 1) networked resources, 2) ADB infrastructure and resource support including first level business, financial, IP and technology due diligence as well as existing engagement with regional government authorities, 3) other intermediaries’ support which can be
consultants, system integrators, IP and technology brokers, financiers, etc.

For media queries please contact:
Patrick CHAN, Mobile: (65) 9456 2048, Email:
LIEW Kheng Yew, Mobile: (65) 9390 0823, Email:

About VISIONEDGE Technologies (

VT is behind the Cleantech Marketplace Forum which connects and facilitates the matching of clean technologies, investment/financing and projects across the region. It is currently facilitating projects across different cleantech sectors including renewable, energy efficiency, waste management, environmental pollution, water, sustainable agriculture, etc. looking for more than US$50 mil in terms of funding and financing.

VT is represented on the Council of Singapore High Technology Association (SHTA) and is a local partner of Global Cleantech Cluster Association (GCCA) for Singapore. VT is also a partner of WIPO Green and is able to tap on its network of associate partners across Canada, China, Hong Kong, Japan and Philippines.

About the Awards

IAIR AWARDS is one of the world’s leading ranking and prize for excellences in global economy and sustainability. It was born out of the scientific committee of IAIR and along with a team of dedicated legal, economic and financial journalists in over 120 countries worldwide. The IAIR AWARDS is focused on Global Economy and Sustainability and in particular the following categories: Green Economy, Alternative Investments, Business Opportunities, Global Corporate Excellences, Forex, ETFs and Commodities, Law, Asset Management, Family Office and Wealth Management, Philanthropy, Private Equity, Real Estate and Property, Succession Planning and Family Business. The IAIR AWARDS is a global roadshow held in the most strategic financial centres such as Hong Kong, São Paulo, Milan and New York. For more details about the IAIR Awards 2014 winners, please visit and

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