Vanuatu joins the Global Green Growth Institute

The Republic of Vanuatu has became a member of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) after formally submitting its Instrument of Accession. Vanuatu is one of a growing number of Pacific Island countries that have joined the organization, which includes Fiji, Kiribati and Papua New Guinea.

“Vanuatu is very pleased to join the Global Green Growth Institute. We believe GGGI Membership will significantly strengthen our goals as a country to achieve environmentally sustainable, resilient, and inclusive economic growth,” said Minister for Climate Change Adaptation, Hon. James Bule, MP

“We look forward to cooperating with GGGI on green growth projects in our country and contributing to the governance of the organization,” added Mr. Bule.

GGGI will commence its program in Vanuatu in 2015. The program will focus on incorporating green growth into national planning and sectoral strategies and policies. GGGI will also work with the Government of Vanuatu on assisting the Ministry of Climate Change to better manage the energy sector for green growth, including providing support on capacity development and implementing projects at the community-level.

GGGI’s work in Vanuatu comes at a time when the organization has adopted a sweeping new strategy that refocuses its efforts on developing countries, especially Least Developed Countries, and member states. The organization expects to forge an expansive partnership with Vanuatu both as a member country and one in which it has green growth projects.

About GGGI

Based in Seoul, GGGI is an intergovernmental organization founded to support and promote a new model of economic growth known as “green growth.” The organization partners with countries to help them build economies that grow strongly and are more efficient and sustainable in the use of natural resources, less carbon intensive, and more resilient to climate change. GGGI’s experts are already working with governments around the world, building their capacity and working collaboratively on green growth policies that can impact the lives of millions.

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