Two entrepreneurs create world’s healthiest protein

Two young entrepreneurs from the UK have just launched a Kickstarter Campaign, calling out to the public to help them raise the funds they need to launch their new start-up company, Plant Warrior.

Their first product will be a healthy protein powder called Superfood Protein. Made from 100 per cent plant-based and vegan ingredients, they believe they’ve created the healthiest protein powder in the world and vow to give 10 per cent of profits from their business to charity, every year.

“We created Superfood Protein because we wanted to find a high quality, healthy and ethically produced Protein Powder. When we couldn’t find one, we thought we’d make one ourselves” said Joseph Hill, Co-Founder of Plant Warrior.

The most commonly consumed protein powder is Whey Protein, but many health enthusiasts are turning away from Whey as recent studies have linked it to a variety of health risks. One study from 2012 by retail watchdog ‘Consumer Reports’ found that a variety of whey protein powders on the market today contain worrying amounts of arsenic, cadmium, or lead.

“We need to raise just £3,000 with our Kickstarter to launch our business. We’ve produced smaller batches of the product, but we don’t have enough money to meet the minimum order quantity our supplier needs to go into proper production.” said David Donaldson, Co-Founder of PlantWarrior.

If you want to learn more and help Plant Warrior start their business, check out the rewards for contributors on their Kickstarter campaign here.

The idea behind the formula was to create a protein which mixes plant-based proteins together, to balance the nutritional profile so the protein can be easily digested. Whilst ensuring that the powder still contains all of the 9 essential amino acids needed for proper recovery of your body.

According to a recent poll by the Vegan Society, the number of vegans in Britain has also rose by 360 per cent over the past 10 years. One of the main criticisms of the vegan diet is its lack of protein, but when vegan protein supplements have been tested against the most popular supplment Whey Protein, no difference in performance was found.

In fact a recent study by the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research in 2015 looked into both whey and pea proteins, to see which was better at promoting muscle growth and recovery. The study found no difference in performance, proving that pea is a suitable replacement for whey-based products if you’re looking for an alternative.

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