Trail blazing Asian organisations shortlisted for 2017 Ashden Awards

Ashden today announced the shortlist for the 2017 Ashden International Awards with several innovative organisations working in Asia in the running.

The Ashden Awards are a globally recognised measure of excellence in the field of sustainable energy and winners – to be announced at a prestigious ceremony at the Royal Geographical Society in London on Thursday 15 June – receive tailored support to help scale up their work and a prize of up to £20,000.

According to Sarah Butler-Sloss, Ashden’s Founder Director:“The organisations on this year’s shortlist are all trail blazing when it comes to sustainability and setting a very high benchmark which we hope will encourage others to follow suit and play their part in helping to protect the future of our planet.”

The shortlisted Asian organisations for the 2017 Ashden International Awards are:

Ampere Vehicles, based in Coimbatore, India, are tackling air pollution by manufacturing low-cost electric bikes and scooters with detachable batteries for easy overnight charging, as well as electric scooters for people who are disabled and waste collection vehicles for use in villages.

Ecolibrium is a start-up company based in Bangalore, India, addressing the need for demand-side energy management through SmartSense, their big data energy analytics platform.

Empower Generation is bringing clean energy to vulnerable communities in Nepal, helping to eradicate poverty, improve health and reduce carbon emissions, and empowering women to become entrepreneurs by training them to own a business and manage a sales force.

GPS Renewables is a waste-to-energy technology company based in Bangalore, India, which is exemplifying how to make biogas an appealing, reliable energy source for businesses across India including hotels and universities.

Hangzhou Bicycle Service in China is the largest bike share scheme in the world and, to date, thousands of bicycles have been rented for free more than 700 million times in the past eight years thanks to an innovative financial model.

Pamir Energy has so far restored 11 large hydro power plants in East Tajikistan, linking 96 per cent of households there with reliable clean electricity, enabling schools to re-open and allowing people to heat their homes in winter.

T.R.Hamzah and Yeang Sdn. Bhd is a Malaysian architecture and planning firm that has been using green building design practices for over 40 years to provide healthy living spaces.

Click here for further information about the 2017 Ashden Awards.

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