The business logic of sustainability

Each year we use the equivalent of 1.5 planet Earths catering to our material needs and desires. By 2030 we will need the capacity of two Earths to absorb carbon emissions and replenish our natural resource use.

The late business icon Ray Anderson said: “If we kill nature, we will certainly kill the economy.” Anderson founded the carpet manufacturing company, InterfaceFLOR, which manufactures 40 percent of all carpet tiles laid in commercial buildings throughout the world.

He was a giant among business leaders because he demonstrated that there’s no need to choose between the economy and the environment. He focused every aspect of company operations on sustainable decision-making – energy, water, suppliers, manufacturing and the life cycle of all its products.

Business sustainability now has the attention of company executives as corporations are being challenged to measure, manage and report their sustainability performance. Whether due to rising operational costs, regulation or competitive pressure, sustainability management has become an urgent, complex and onerous responsibility.

Few organisations have adequate frameworks or tools to easily track and manage the way they use energy, water and resource use with audit-level assurance. Many are grappling with how to monitor, benchmark and share critical sustainability data across globally distributed enterprises.

Few have the capacity to assess the impact, payback period or return on investment of their efficiency and abatement programs. CarbonSystems supports Ray Anderson’s vision that corporations can be both profitable and sustainable.

CarbonSystems’ technology delivers four benefits to clients:

  • reducing the time and cost of managing sustainability data
  • delivering up to date, financial grade business and compliance reporting
  • driving operational efficiency and cost savings
  • verifying the ROI and payback of sustainability initiatives

CarbonSystems has global clients in corporate property, banking, education, energy, government, healthcare, information technology, logistics, manufacturing, mining, and professional services.

Contact us here.

Media contact: Dan Gaffney, m +61 411 156 015

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