SustainIt releases GoMarketWise app

SustainIt, the leading global sustainability data consultancy announced today the launch of GoMarketWise that allows sustainability professionals to compare multiple software solutions to easily collect and manage their sustainability data.

This innovative App provides a free matching service for businesses to source the right reporting and measurement tool for their business needs.

Charlie Stockford, Chief Executive Officer of SustainIt, said:

“We have been working with clients for over ten years now helping them select and maintain their data management systems. Through that experience we have an unparalleled knowledge of multiple non financial data solutions around the world. We have now created a completely unique App that will help our clients easily find the right fit for their business.”

GoMarketWise is a free web based application and is currently compatible with Apple, Android and Windows devices. Users can answer a series of questions based on their requirements and the database will match those requirements against multiple software platforms registered with the App.

Chris MacDonald, GoMarketWise Project Lead explained ““As a software agnostic business we have many relationships with multiple software vendors with an unparalleled knowledge of those software solutions. Putting that knowledge into an easy-to-use Application made perfect sense. The back end compares the client requirements against the Vendor offering to provide Clients with an exclusive matching service, to provide an idea as to what software clients need. Moving forward, we hope to evolve the product to not only be more comprehensive but also more accurate for clients.”

For further information on GoMarketWise visit

About SustainIt

SustainIt is a sustainability data consultancy working with companies internationally. SustainIt help companies who need support managing their sustainability data, maximising their sustainability programmes by helping performance manage sustainability data. For more information, please go to the SustainIt website;

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