Sun Invention at the Intersolar 2013:New Products, Partners, Customers

Munich, 20th June 2013. Sun Invention, the developer of plug-in solar modules and other future-oriented solutions for generating energy (energy solutions) outlined its ideas regarding the effectuation of a decentralised and social energy turnaround to the public on the Intersolar Europe 2013.  The basis of the concept is to use photovoltaics and energy storages to establish intelligent energy structures – the process has already been started in Germany, Greece, India and the Netherlands. “Together with our partners we give the people easy and flexible access to produce their own energy, which they can store and consume according to their demand”, said Toralf Nitsch, the company’s COO. The Sun Invention Energy Cloud shall become the element which combines energy producers, energy consumers and home storages as well as local energy storages for entire areas. “Our system is based on a holistic approach which is more powerful than a solution provided by a company; we understand Sun Invention as a pro-creative movement: the SUN-VOLUTION.”

In many regions this basis will encourage economic structures which promote wealth. Thus Sun Invention focusses on decentralised structures and co-operations, outlines Nitsch: “With our own certified assembly plants we also assume an educational mandate and we want to the products to be manufactured at the same place where they will later be employed and used. “ Due to strong partners such as the Dialogues Technology NL (part of the ABN AMRO Group) or ALGATEC Solar in Germany the demand for Sun Invention’s products multiplied. Besides development, manufacturing and sales of their own products Sun Invention is also actively engaged as distributor of solar modules.

Sun Invention - New Products

The innovation presented by Sun Invention was the off-grid solution Plug & Power, a 250 watts solar module with integrated micro inverter and easy-to-use mounting system produced by their partner ALGATEC Solar AG in Germany and the electricity tariff SIE-100 which is offered as a joint venture with Sun Invention Energy.

The Plug & Save Light+, manufactured by ALGATEC Solar in Brandenburg, is very easy to set up, thanks to its (supplementary) click-in mounting system Plug & Mounting BZG enabling flexible transportation and easy implementation. Like all modules from the Plug & Save series it features an inverter, which has been certified in accordance withDIN VDE-AR-N 4105. The module is directly plugged into a circuit, such as the household grid. A polycrystalline 250 watts solar module forms the bases of the world debut which has a German retail price of 649 Euros (including 19 per cent VAT). With its approved Sun Invention mounting system for balconies and façades it is now available worldwide.

The off-grid solution Plug & Power is ideally suited for places without electricity grid and features a convincingly easy and compact design. A high-quality aluminum box contains the heart of the system; inverter, controller and energy storage. Depending on the configuration the performance level rages from 300 to 1.400 watts – and the pre-mounted sockets of the box can provide energy for appliances such as chargers, laptops or household appliances (at 230/ 110 volts).

“Shortly there will be a serial production of Plug & Power in various plants worldwide” Nitsch announced in Munich, who sees a “considerable” demand for such easy, intelligent solutions. The possibility of the boxes to create clusters which can accumulate up to 30 kilowatts was also part of the presentation. Sun Invention assumes that such components in combination with mobile, decentralised supply units will be able to provide a comprehensive energy supply for areas which have not yet been reached.

Sun Invention – New Partners

Together with the regional energy provider moinEnergie Sun Invention established a joint venture that will be operating under the name Sun Invention Energy Ltd. The newly founded company will offer its own electricity tariff for energy from purely renewable sources. “This is the first tariff for green power in the world which should eventually render itself superfluous” said Toralf Nitsch. Sun Invention Energy has the aim to continuously address energy customers with offers that include the self-generation of energy on the spot and additionally aim at lowering their overall energy consumption.

“The more energy is generated where the people live, the lower the costs for us as energy provider – thus we want to animate our customers to become part of the Sun Invention Energy Cloud and increase the proportion of self-generated energy for their own consumption”, Nitsch said.  Sun Invention Energy could achieve this goal, as all profits shall either be returned to the Sun Invention Energy Cloud or invested directly in the creation of additional decentralised systems for the generation of energy from renewable sources.

Transparency and openness – values which the Sun Invention group embodies in each and every aspect – form the bases for the new green energy tariff. “Sun Invention Energyis the first energy provider pursuing the same interests as his customers”, Nitsch insistently points out. “Thus we can permit ourselves the outright disclosure of all components of this tariff as well as on the way we apply the profits.” Everybody who becomes part of the Sun Invention Energy Cloudby choosing our energy tariff shall be called to contribute to its continuous improvement, to gain deeper knowledge and to spread the word. Nitsch: “The medium-term objective is to generate as much free energy as possible as long as possible, so obviously from the point of view of Sun Invention Energy making money by selling energy is not the objective.”

The Electricity Tariff SIE-100 will be launched in Germany on July 1st 2013 at a price of 24.99 Euros per KWh with a monthly base fee of 9.99 Euros. Further information will soon be available under

An important strategic co-operation partner is the ALGATEC Solar AG which also presents itself at the Intersolar. Ullrich Jank, technical director at ALGATEC said: „At the end of May we started with the production of Plug & Save Light+ a tour plant in Großräschen. For us this partnership means more than just securing jobs and increasing the utilisation rate – it presents itself as a whole new perspective and we are very happy that it came about.” Besides establishing and expanding the production the company which is based in Brandenburg will also be in charge of certifying the assembly-plants in India and Brazil and train their employees on the spot.

In early June Sun Invention and the Standards Association DKE (German Commission for the Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) have entered into a dialogue on the advancement of Plug & Save solar systems in accordance with or by altering relevant regulations published by the VDE. The mutual aim of the discourse is to enable the products to meet the regulations (as we outline in a separate press release).

Sun Invention – New Customers

In the past weeks Sun Invention has started to successfully generate a worldwide network of top-class partners to establish active subsidiaries in various countries. Agreements with institutions and industrial partners have already been concluded in the Netherlands, Belgium and Romania. Together with local partners Sun Invention plans to establish the first private energy provider in Greece in order to point out the advantages of alternative energy concepts to the Greek population. An important characteristic on Indian market is the omnipresent insecurity of supply; which leads to a daily amount of 20 or 30 blackouts in some regions. Especially off-grid and hybrid solutions like Plug & Power are ideal for these markets. Due to governmental founding and a close cooperation with the local partners we want to begin establishing a separate, alternative energy provider.

Sun Invention Ltd.

The London-based company Sun Invention develops and sells intelligent and easy-to-use photovoltaic systems, enabling everybody to produce their own regenerative energy. With its Plug & Save Solar System the company developed one of the most innovative solar modules of the world, integrating an inverter, a controller and even a battery unit. Plug & Save systems can easily be mounted on the balcony, in the yard or on the house front. Users profit from a reduction of up to 25 percent of their electricity cost be installing a Plug & Save system with five modules and two battery units – and even more savings potential in the future.

Get further information:

Press contact:

Sun Invention - Martin Jendrischik - Tel: +49 (0) 341 52 57 60 50 - email:

Company contact (Germany):

Sun Invention
101 Ensign House
Juniper Drive, Battersea Reach
SW18 1TR London
United Kingdom 

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