Sompo Japan Insurance and Nipponkoa Insurance acquired the world’s first-ever registration for the international standard ISO 39001 (FDIS) for Road Traffic Safety Management Systems

Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. (President and CEO: Kengo Sakurada; hereinafter, “Sompo Japan”) and Nipponkoa Insurance Co., Ltd. (President and CEO: Masaya Futamiya; hereinafter, “Nipponkoa”) have successfully acquired the world’s first-ever registration based on ISO 39001 (FDIS*), which is the international standard for Road Traffic Safety Management Systems, with the assistance of NKSJ Risk Management, Inc. (President: Hidehiro Ishikawa; hereinafter, “NKSJ-RM”). Following the official publication of the ISO 39001 standard in  November 2012, the companies plan to receive an inspection towards the acquisition of full certification.

*FDIS: Abbreviation of “Final Draft International Standard.”

1. Background of the Acquisition

Both Sompo Japan and Nipponkoa support the objectives of ISO 39001, international standard for Road Traffic Safety Management Systems. With the aim of ensuring that the experience both companies possess in road incident prevention measures could be used in model case studies by many companies around the world, they participated in a pilot program that was implemented while ISO 39001 was still in the draft preparation stage.

Subsequently, as a result of the inspection for the registration for ISO 39001 (FDIS) implemented in August 2012, Sompo Japan  and Nipponkoa successfully acquired the world’s first-ever registration for the new international standard.

2. Future Measures

Following the official publication of ISO 39001 in November 2012, Sompo Japan and Nipponkoa will move swiftly to receive an inspection towards the acquisition of full certification. Furthermore, in order to contribute to the road traffic safety and the creation of sustainable societies both in Japan and overseas, the two companies will further enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of their road traffic accident prevention support activities for all stakeholders.

What is the Road Traffic Safety Management System (ISO 39001)?

In the “Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020” adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in March 2010, it is noted  that industrialized  countries, including Japan, should actively share their know-how and achievements in road injury prevention measures with developing countries, where 90 per cent of the world’s road traffic deaths and injuries occur.

Given this situation, 33 nations that are members of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) took part in international conference, where efforts to develop a “Road Traffic Safety Management Systems (ISO 39001)” were discussed. It is envisaged that this system will become an international standard for measures relating to road traffic safety; and currently, final preparations are being made towards the official publication of the standard, scheduled for November 2012. ISO 39001 aims to eliminate road traffic deaths and serious injuries, and its objective is to achieve a total of 100,000 ISO 39001 certifications  by 2020 worldwide (which is equivalent to the number of businesses with an ISO 14001 certification).

About Sompo Japan

Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. is a leading provider of Property & Casualty insurance in Japan. Together with Nipponkoa Insurance CO., Ltd., it established NKSJ Holdings, Inc. a joint holding company as comprehensive service provider group for risk and asset management in 2010 and is now preparing for a merger as “Sompo Japan Nipponkoa” by 2014.

As a long-time leader in CSR, Sompo Japan strongly commits to build sustainable society focusing on its own CSR material issues such as climate change and sustainable finance. The company is regularly recognized for our efforts to sustainability. Recent awards are “World’s Most Ethical Companies” in 2012, “SAM Silver Class” in 2011, and “Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World” in 2009 and 2010.

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