Sompo Japan and Nipponkoa donate pro bono services

Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. and Nipponkoa Insurance Co., Ltd. will carry out an Employee Dispatch Pro Bono Program starting July 29, 2013 that will dispatch employees to help support organizations working on the reconstruction efforts in areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

1. Overview of the Employee Dispatch Pro Bono Program
Assistance needed for the reconstruction effort in disaster-affected areas has shifted from short-term volunteer work to mid- to long-term support with growing demand for corporate human resources with management skills and experience.

Participating companies (as of July 2013): Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Benesse Corporation, Dentsu Inc., Kao Corporation, Sompo Japan Insurance, Inc., and Toshiba Corporation (in alphabetical order)

2. Period of activities
July 29, 2013 to October 18, 2013
A total of four 10-day programs will be held during the above period.

3. Employees being dispatched
A total of nine employees were selected from among those that applied to the program.

4. Destination and details of activities
The following support work at Minamisoma Solara Agripark*

(Examples) Develop new hands-on learning facilities and programs other than solar power (wind power, geothermal power, wave power, etc.), support leaders’ management work, provide training for graduates and IT Skills, create contents, take part in public relations activities, as well as plan and implement events, etc.

* Minamisoma Solar Agripark (Representative Director: Eiju Hangai) is an organization that is supporting the personal growth of local children and fostering opportunities for people from across Japan to interact with one another through hands-on learning programs at a solar power plant and vegetable factory built on land destroyed by the tsunami.

URL: (Japanese only)

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