Sindicatum represents the UK in the European Business Awards for the Environment

Sindicatum Sustainable Resources Group has been selected as a UK entry into the European Business Awards for the Environment under the category of International Business Cooperation.  The selection was announced at a celebration hosted by the RSA Environment Awards Forum and sponsored by the UK government Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) at the Atrium, Nobel House on the 13 March 2012. A certificate was presented to Sindicatum and the other 11 finalists by Lord Taylor, Parliamentary under Secretary of State, Defra.

UK entrants for the European Business Awards for the Environment are selected from winners of RSA accredited award schemes from the past two years. In the words of the RSA, “those chosen for Europe are the ‘best of the best’; the most far-sighted, responsible and innovative companies from across the country.” Accreditation is only achieved by a select number of environmental and sustainable award schemes that demonstrate high quality and validity. The 12 finalists represent five categories that demonstrate outstanding contributions to sustainable development – management practices, products, processes, international business cooperation and biodiversity activities. Other finalists include Marks and Spencer, the Olympic Delivery Authority, Aquamarine Power, Levi Strauss and the Oxford Catalyst Group

The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) Environment Awards Forum provides a mechanism for ensuring UK Awards are robust, credible and exemplary. 14 UK award schemes are accredited by the RSA and these are the only routes through which entries can be submitted in to the European Commission’s biennial European Business Awards for the Environment.

Sindicatum Managing Director CMM & VAM David Creedy said:We are greatly honoured to represent the UK as a finalist in the category of International Business Cooperation. Sindicatum’s entry features its cooperation with coal mining partners Shanxi Coking Coal Group and Xishan Coal and Electricity Group in China.  The fruit of this co-operation with the fourth largest coal mining group in the country that mines over half the world’s coal production is  a demonstration of the feasibility of near zero emissions mining. China’s economy will depend heavily on coal for the foreseeable future and any global response to climate change mitigation must address the coal mining industry. Sindicatum has made a small but significant step towards this goal. The recognition of the contribution to sustainability of Sindicatum’s CMM/VAM business activities in China is a tribute to the dedication and hard work of Sindicatum’s staff in Beijing and Taiyuan.

Other awards won by Sindicatum in 2011 include the Commodity Business Award for Excellence in Renewable Energy Markets (, the Green Business Awards for both the Renewable Energy and the Carbon Reduction categories (, the Carbon Finance Transaction of the Year award by Environmental Finance (, The Global Business Excellence Award for Outstanding Green Initiative ( and the Most Progressive Corporate Leader award by the Association for Sustainable & Responsible Investment in Asia or ASrIA, awarded to Assaad Razzouk, Group CEO (

About Sindicatum Sustainable Resources Group

Sindicatum develops, operates and finances projects that reduce greenhouse gases in certain industries and produce sustainable resources (clean energy, biogas, biomass, water and physical commodities) and emission reductions and other environmental commodities.  Sindicatum provides the in-house expertise and finance required to originate, develop and operate such projects throughout their development and operational lifetime.   Sindicatum’s projects fall into four keys sectors: agricultural solutions, municipal waste to energy, coal mine methane and low carbon energy and include the development and operation of 33 fully financed projects worldwide.

The theme of resource scarcity is central to Sindicatum’s strategy. Sindicatum believes that, globally, economic development (and thus increasing demand for resources) will continue to strain natural resources worldwide.  Sindicatum’s investment thesis is based on the premise that such macro-trends will have an extremely important influence on the pricing of increasingly scarce resources such as energy, water, agricultural resources and clean air.  Consequently Sindicatum’s aim is to produce long term supplies of these sustainable products.

Sindicatum’s investors include three leading US university endowments, five prominent US charitable foundations and global financial institutions representing the commodity, banking, insurance and alternative investment sectors.

For more information on Sindicatum visit

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