Scholarships in Integrated Water Management

The International WaterCentre’s Water Leader Scholarships are now open to study the IWC Master of Integrated Water Management in Australia in 2012.

The program equips students with the integration, leadership and managerial skills to become part of an elite group of water leaders with sustainable and holistic solutions to global water and climate change challenges. The program takes a multi-disciplinary, whole-of-water-cycle approach. It is a co-badged and co-taught degree by The University of Queensland, Griffith University, Monash University and The University of Western Australia.

•  Full tuition (valued at AU$41,520) and partial tuition scholarships
•  Open to Australian and international students
•  Scholarship applications open 1 May - 1 August 2011
•  Program starts in February 2012 (The University of Queensland, Brisbane)

Apply online:

• email: | phone: +61 7 3123 7766

More information:
• Watch video: youtube
• Download PDF brochure: Brochure
• Find us on Facebook: Facebook
• View slide show: Slide show

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