Polaris Consulting to hold China International Nuclear Energy Summit 2014

Together with G.I.I.N. and Korea Nuclear Society, Polaris Consulting Company is going to hold the China International Nuclear Energy Summit 2014 on December 4th-5th in Beijing China.

Polaris has the successful history of won strong support from the National Development and Reform Commission Energy Research Institute, World Alliance for Decentralized Energy, Government of Jiading Shanghai, Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology Chinese Academy of Science, Energy Industries Council etc.

And cooperated with mainstream financial media include CCTV, Ningxia TV, First Financial Daily, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, Phoenix Finance and more than 287 industry media from domestic and abroad.

China has plans to build 29 new nuclear power plants to add to its current 19 aims to have installed nuclear output capacity of 58GWe by 2020.China’s National Development and Reform Commission has indicated the intention to raise the percentage of China’s electricity produced by nuclear power from the current 2% to 6% by 2020 (compared to 20% in the USA and 74% in France).

However, the challenges in the proposed rapid build-out nuclear power for the industry player are lack of technologies, shortfall of fuel, equipment localization, cost reduction, training qualified plant workers, and safety inspectors.

Up to 300 people are expected to attend the 2-day festive event.

Conference highlights:

The Networking Opportunity:10+hours of networking time including cocktail receptions, champagne roundtables, VIP lunches and open Q&As.

Hot topics include:

  • Recent Nuclear Power Market Developments: Issues & Challenges of Nuclear Future
  • China`s Nuclear Industry Capabilities & Projects
  • Designing New Nuclear Power Plants
  • Technical path choice, transfer and localization
  • Lessons to Learn From Nuclear Construction Projects
  • Challenges and Lessons learned from Equipment Localization
  • Approaches for Diagnostics and Optimization of NPP Operation
  • Nuclear Power Solutions to Improve Performance of NPPs and Workforce Efficiency
  • Fuel Cycle & Supply
  • Supply Chain Developing Strategy
  • Creating A Master Plan For Spent Fuel & Waste Management
  • Emergency Preparedness

Speakers under priority consideration:

  • Yongping Wang, Director, National Energy Administration
  • Shirong Zhou,Director of Nuclear safety management department, State Environmental Protection Administration
  • Jiansheng Tan, Deputy general manager, China General Nuclear Power Group
  • Alexander Bychkov, Deputy Director General and Head, International Atomic Energy Agency
  • Huazhu Zhang, Chairman, China Nuclear Energy Association
  • Mingguang Zheng, President, Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute
  • Xing Ji, Deputy general manager, Chief designer of ACP1000, China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd.
  • Timothy Collier, General manager of China, Westinghouse
  • YangHo Bae,Vice President,Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co.,Ltd
  • Kei Tomikawa, Deputy General Manager, Global Business Operations Division, Hitachi-GE
  • Mingguang Zheng, President, Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute
  • YangHo Bae,Vice President, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co.,Ltd
  • Jiansheng Tan, Deputy general manager,China General Nuclear Power Group
  • Xing Ji, Deputy general manager, Chief designer of ACP1000, China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd.
  • Shi Qun, Deputy general manager, general manager of project C2, CNNC China Zhongyuan Engineering Corporation
  • Liming Qian, Purchasing manager,China nuclear power engineering Co.,Ltd
  • Fangming Kai, Director nuclear power, China power complete equipment Co.,Ltd
  • Li Jun, General manager, Shandong Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.
  • Jianping Chen, General manager, SUFA technology industry Co.,Ltd., CNNC
  • Deming Liao,Vice president of nuclear department, Shanghai Electric
  • Reynald HAZARD, General manager,AREVA China nuclear service company
  • Jinbo Jia, General manager, China nuclear industry 23 construction Co.,Ltd
  • Weiping Yan, General manager, China Power International Maintenance Engineering Co.,Ltd
  • Zishan Yang, General manager, Nanfang Ventilator,Estelle Desroches Head of Fuel Cycle and Waste Management, EDF
  • Wang Jian, Deputy chief engineer, The 404 Company Limited., China National Nuclear Corporation

We look forward to receiving your confirmation to participate the China International Nuclear Energy Summit 2014 as a media partner, an honor for us and indeed for China’s Nuclear industry development.

If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Hill Zeng(曾先生)
Tel: +86 21 6045 6268 - 811 | Mobile : +86 152 1672 9168 |Fax:+86 21 6047 5887 | Email:hill.zeng@ourpolaris.com
Company Web: www.ourpolaris.com | Event: http://www.ourpolaris.com/2014/nuclear/

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