Opportunity Green Summit to highlight effective ways to capitalise on sustainable business practices

Opportunity Green Summit will take place on 28-29 March 2012 at The Sebel Albert Park Melbourne, Australia. The Summit is organised by Expotrade, a renowned conference production company based in Melbourne.

Sustainability has rapidly evolved from the periphery of business concerns and has now become an imperative element steering business success. The Opportunity Green Summit will examine how this fundamental shift is transforming the business idea of value moving beyond the profit balance sheets to incorporate nonfinancial metrics. Opportunity Green will detail how a variety of societal factors have converged to create consumers, whether green or mainstream who don’t simply want green products, but rather solutions to everyday problems that also make sense for our community and environment.

“96% of CEOs believe that sustainability issues should be fully integrated into the strategy and operations of a company.” United National Global Compact Survey 2010

The Opportunity Green Summit will outline that in order to effectively capitalise on sustainable business practices and the new market opportunities, it is increasingly apparent businesses require an authentic and transparent sustainability strategy assimilated into all elements of the core business.

Additionally, Opportunity Green will analyse the emerging development in sustainability management; the transition to greater integrated reporting, evaluating supply chain credentials and scrutinise the intensifying regulatory obligations. Companies that are the swiftest to adapt and provide the solutions to these challenges will reap the greatest rewards.

It is estimated that the global market for environmental products and services currently runs to about $1,370 billion (US) with a projected $2,740 billion (US) by 2020.

Delegates of the Summit will hear from Leaders across diverse industries, undertaking these challenges within their own companies, as well as presentations from the topmost experts in sustainability management. Opportunity Green will examine best practice and insights into the future direction of green business as well as exploring the megatrends shaping the sustainability agenda.

For more information, visit: http://www.greensummit.com.au

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