Novalis Flooring and ANKEN Group: WE Project’s Newest Partners

Novalis Innovative Flooring and ANKEN Group have partnered with Green Initiatives’ on the [WE] Project, joining the collective effort to provide e-waste education and recycling in Shanghai.

The social, economic and environmental issue of e-waste is enormous; over 70 per cent of the 6 million tons of the e-waste generated in China annually does not get safely recycled.

The [WE] Project was created to be an impactful, and scalable solution that supports Green Initiatives’ mission to reduce China’s environmental pollution by establishing collaborations with local and international organizations.

The two companies join a growing list of partners already involved in project, including Ford Motor Shanghai, Yew Chung International School, The Headquarters Building, URBN Hotel, Element Fresh, Arup, ROCA Shanghai and Aden Services.

Novalis is an established flooring company that has set the goal to become the greenest luxury vinyl tile manufacturer in the world. The company has partnered with Green Initiatives to place the boxes at Community Center Shanghai (CCS), a non-profit organization that provides access to charities, counseling, tours, events, and classes to connect, support and enable internationals in Shanghai. Novalis will fund the cost of collection boxes and routine pickups at the two CCS locations.

According to John Wu, CEO, Novalis Innovative Flooring, “GI has been a pioneer in Shanghai in the development of a network of like minded people who care about the earth and the environment. Through its regular events, we have been able to learn from and connect with individuals and organizations that aspire to make our world a little greener everyday. The [WE] Project is another demonstration that through small actions we can create a strong impact and this is one of the reasons why we are proud to participate in it.”

ANKEN, on the other hand, is a real estate development company that uses sustainable design, building and management practices to create unique destinations for Shanghai. Alexandra Chu, Founding Partner at Anken, is upbeat about the collaboration and says, ‘‘The [WE] Project offers our extended community a convenient and safe way to recycle and/or responsibly dispose of unwanted electronics. It fits perfectly with our philosophy that everyone can make a positive contribution to our community and environment – no matter how small.’’

The [WE] project was launched in June 2016 in collaboration with Netspring Social Enterprise, to provide the Shanghai community with a convenient, transparent, and environmentally safe system for recycling used electronics. Recycling boxes placed in key locations throughout Shanghai and collect end-of-use electronic products including wires, chargers, mobile phones, CD’s/DVD’s, small electronic gadgets and household appliances.

The box’ contents are routinely collected and transported to the recycling facility of the official project recycling partner TES-AMM, a government-certified IT waste management company with headquarters in Singapore. As of November 2016 about 800 kilograms of e-waste has already been collected and recycled.

Additional information and detailed map of box locations is provided on the Green initiatives’ [WE] Project page. Green Initiatives is a non-profit organization started in Shanghai in 2009, and promotes awareness, facilitates actions, implements projects, and stimulates change toward sustainable models of growth and consumption.

For any further enquiry on the project please contact +86 135 2412 1424 or

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