Minister of Environment for Peru highlights new report

The Minister of Environment for Peru and current UNFCCC COP 20 President, Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, highlighted the importance of the recent Amazonia Security Agenda report that addresses the security in the Amazon region from the perspective of water, energy, food, health and climate change.

Minister Pulgar – Vidal, Minister of Environment for Peru says “The concept of security is fundamental for improving decision-makers awareness of the implications of the threats to the provision of services, resources and ecosystem services.”

The report, prepared by the Global Canopy Programme (GCP) and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT),involved scientists and political leaders from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. It lays out initial recommendations as building blocks for dialogue and action in each of these countries, in combination with intergovernmental collaboration to deploy coordinated responses to those shared threats.

According to Minister Pulgar – Vidal, “We are still not completely aware of how the Amazonia ecosystem supports water, energy, food and health security.” This is the reason why Minister Pulgar – Vidal considers the Amazonia Security Agenda report as “fundamental for decision makers in order for them to take action and make policies that aim to preserve the sustainable use of these resources and services.”

The report highlights how water, energy, food and health securities are all interdependent, but that water security fundamentally underpins all other securities. Growing threats to water vulnerability provides a critical nexus for decision-makers - providing new opportunities for impact.

The Amazonian Security Agenda report was funded and supported by the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) and the Fundacion Futuro Latinoamericano (FFLA).

Watch the full interview to the Minister of Environment for Peru

Read the full report and see the animated video

European media inquiries:
Rachel Mountain
Head of Communications
Global Canopy Programme
Tel: +44 (0)1865 724333

Latin American media inquiries:
Jorge Villanueva, Communications Officer Latin America and Caribbean
Climate Development & Knowledge Network Latin America & Caribbean (CDKN LAC)
Tel: +51 1 991677868

1) About the Amazonian Security Agenda report
To see the full report and animation visit

Key findings from the report

2) About the Global Canopy Programme
The Global Canopy Programme (GCP) is a tropical forest think tank working to demonstrate the scientific, political and business case for safeguarding forest ecosystems as natural capital that underpins water, food, energy, health and climate security for all.

3) About the International Center for Tropical Agriculture
CIAT works with partners in developing countries to develop technologies, methods and knowledge that better enable farmers in the tropics to achieve eco-efficient agriculture, i.e. competitive and profitable as well as sustainable and resilient, to contribute substantially to reducing hunger and poverty. CIAT is based near Cali, Colombia, with regional offices in Nairobi, Kenya, and Hanoi, Vietnam.

4) About Fundacion Futuro Latinoamericano (FFLA)
FFLA is a private non-profit organisation created in 1993 and constituted in 1994 after the historic Earth Summit. Its mission is to work for sustainable development in Latin America through constructive dialogue and the solution of environmental and social conflicts, the strengthening of citizen participation, and the improvement of political and institutional capacities. FFL is a member of CDKN and is in charge of the regional coordination for Latina America and the Carribbean.

5) About the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN)
The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) aims to help decision-makersin developing countries design and deliver climate compatible development. We do this byproviding demand-led research and technical assistance, and channeling the best availableknowledge on climate change and development to support policy processes at the countrylevel. CDKN is managed by an alliance of six organisations that brings together a wide rangeof expertise and experience.

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