LED Replacing fluorescents in PAK’NSave supermarket

Holland Solutions Limited, a New Zealand company working in the LED energy efficiency field, has together with ECOsystems Ltd finished their second supermarket project.

This time a PAK’nSave supermarket in Lower Hutt! In this supermarket (A FOODSTUFF enterprise) the Fluorescents in cooler and freezer cabinets have been replaced with HOLLAND SOLUTIONS Limited LED tubes. Estimated Energy savings on the lighting site of around 40 per cent + an additional saving of around 10 per cent on the chiller’s. This with a 500 per cent maintenance saving over the estimated lifetime of the LED products installed.

Please feel free to contact Holland Solutions Limited for more information over this and all there other projects commercially or HORTICULTERALY. info@hollandsolutions.co.nz or http://www.hollandsolutions.co.nz. We work or have worked for ECOS SYSTEMS ltd, FOODSTUFF NZ. Progressive enterprises, MASSEY University, AgResearch, Plant & Food, Stocker Horticultural & Hydroponics supplies Ltd and many smaller an bigger companies and institutes in NZ.

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