KOLLVIK Recycling, S.L. commissions new food waste composting plant for AENA in Bilbao Airport, Spain

Spanish composter manufacturer KOLLVIK Recycling, S.L. recently commissioned a new on-site composting plant at Bilbao International Airport in the northern Basque province of Vizcaya, Spain. The plant operated by AENA – Aeropuertos y Navegación Aérea (Spain’s public airport authority), an old customer of KOLLVIK Recycling, S.L., will handle food waste from the airport’s restaurants and cafeterias, as well as grass cuts and other green waste from landscaping and maintenance of the airport’s gardens, apron and runway areas.

The plant featuring a BIOCOMPTM 15/45 composter is able to treat over 400kg of organic waste per day and will contribute to increase the sustainability of the airport, lower its waste treatment costs, and improve the local environment by removing almost 150 tons of waste a year from the local landfills and incinerators (an equivalent to 15 fully loaded garbage trucks). At the same time, the compost produced will be used by the airport management for gardening and landscaping, further reducing the airfield’s landscaping expenses.

KOLLVIK Recycling, S.L. is also responsible for the supply of other ancillary equipment like waste bins for separate collection, cribbles and other tools. The company is also in charge of educating and training the local restaurant’s and cafeteria’s operators on food waste separation.

AENA has been a long term partner of KOLLVIK Recycling, S.L. and is a pioneer operator of composting equipment not only in the Basque Country, but also in the whole Iberian peninsula. This new plant is a response to the swift change in waste handling policy, following the entry into force of the European Union Directive on Waste Handling that has pushed for halting the construction of energy consuming and highly polluting unsustainable incinerators, in favor of sustainable strategies like recycling and composting.

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