Kalinga agri office promotes rapid composting to produce organic fertilizer

The provincial government, through the Office of Agricultural Services (OAS), is promoting the expanded modified rapid composting (EMRC) technology to address soil fertility deterioration.

The EMRC is the decomposting of rice hay using compost fungus activator, Trichoderma harzianum, at a rate of 20 packs per hectare said Domingo Bakilan, engineer and provincial agriculturist.

Bakilan said the technology aims to establish cost-efficient, competitive, and sustainable agricultural production system that is in harmony with nature and ensure long-term economic farm productivity.

It also preserves the soil and water resources being degraded by continuous and heavy application of chemical inputs, he explained.

Bakilan said 100 hectares in barangays Magsaysay, Nasgueban, and Cabaritan, in this city, are devoted to this technology which also serve as a techno-demo farm during farmer field visits. There are 100 farmer-cooperators for this project.

“The project will serve as an effective promotional tool for the gradual conversion of irrigated rice lands from conventional to organic-based farming system,” Bakilan said.

A total of P631,000 was transferred by the Bureau of Soils and Water management (BSWM) to the provincial LGU for the procurement of agriculture inputs.

In support to EMRC, a Biospark Trichoderma laboratory at the Agri-Aqua division of OAS was also established with P150,000 funding provided by BSWM. This will be inaugurated on September 28, Bakilan announced during the recent provincial development council meeting.

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