Jonathan Ivelaw-Chapman announced as new Sedex CEO

Sedex Global – the leading non-profit membership organisation dedicated to improving global supply chains – is delighted to announce that Jonathan Ivelaw-Chapman has been appointed its new Chief Executive Officer, effective 1st September 2015.

A Sedex Non-Executive Board Director since 2013, Ivelaw-Chapman brings a deep knowledge of the non-profit organisation and clear views for the opportunities that lie ahead. “We are very pleased to announce the appointment of Jonathan Ivelaw-Chapman as the new CEO of Sedex,” commented Chris Start, Chair of the Board of Sedex Information Exchange. “Jonathan is a rare individual.

He has considerable experience of working with businesses at different stages of the supply chain. He has an impressive track record in corporate technology and large data platforms. He has proven leadership skills and general management experience. And of course, he is familiar with Sedex, having been an Independent Non-executive Director for the last 18 months. Therefore Jonathan is ideally qualified to lead Sedex at this important time in our history. The Board is convinced that, under Jonathan’s leadership, Sedex will continue to evolve to help its members even more effectively in their pursuit of responsible sourcing solutions.”

“I am honoured to be appointed to the post of Chief Executive Officer of Sedex” commented Ivelaw-Chapman. “It is a privilege to join this fast-growing, dynamic organisation at the cutting-edge of responsible supply chain management. Sedex has long been a leader in this space and I believe that we have the team, the passion and the vision necessary to build on progress and accelerate that leadership, offering our members the services and support needed to raise standards throughout the supply chain.”

Ivelaw-Chapman, who is an expert in corporate technology, large scale data analytics, and operational general management, has worked across a number of industries and vertical markets in his varied career in supply chain management, to date. In the last 15 years he has worked extensively within large organisations, giving him a clear view of the supply chain issues facing companies and the corporate and social responsibility that comes with a being reputable and sustainable brand. Companies he has worked with include SAP, Centrica, Deutsche Telekom, Glaxo SmithKline (GSK), Rexam, T-Systems, Ebiquity Plc and, more recently, EMCOR Group Plc and Sedex Group as our independent non-executive director for technology.

Media Contact: Mark Robertson, Head of Communications | +44 (0)20 7902 2322 | | Twitter: @SedexCSR

Sedex ( works with buyers and suppliers around the world to deliver improvements in responsible and ethical business practices in global supply chains. Our mission is to drive collaboration, increase transparency and build the capacity that’s needed to raise standards across all tiers of the supply chain. We offer the world’s largest collaborative platform for managing and sharing ethical supply chain data, along with leading-edge services which multi-national companies use to understand, monitor and manage supply chains risks and improve standards. Our global membership totals over 38,000 buyers, suppliers and audit firms, including key sustainability thought leaders.

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