Groundbreaking biofuels body starts work

The Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels announced the launch of the RSB Certification System today at the World Biofuels Markets 2011 in Rotterdam, NL.

The RSB certification system provides the assurances operators need to guarantee the sustainability and traceability of their feedstocks and fuels. The new RSB system can put them on a path towards compliance and certification for EU market access and other regulated markets.

“The RSB standard is the result of a 4 year effort building a global consensus of over 120 organizations from farmers and biofuel producers to refiners, regulators, civil society and inter-governmental organizations.” said Juan Marco Alvarez, Director of the Economy and Environmental Governance group at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

“The RSB has elevated the role of social and environmental safeguards, emphasizing the critical aspects of sustainability in the biofuels sector. It is now ready to start making it achievable.”

The RSB certification system is operated by RSB Services, which is the services body of the RSB, providing access to the certification process, licensing, auditors’ training among other activities.

“The RSB certification system offers a unique set of online tools that take much of the complexity out of compliance” said Alwin Kopse, RSB Executive Secretary.

”We are delighted to provide biofuel operators with a truly comprehensive standard and a broad range of online tools to help streamline the compliance process from crop to tank.”

Biofuel operators that receive RSB certification will be able to:

  • Assure their customers that their product is responsibly produced, positioning RSB-certified operators favorably in their procurement processes.
  • “Know their biomass/biofuel” by being able to trace the origin of the product along the entire supply chain through various chain-of-custody models.
  • Receive market recognition as leaders in biofuel sustainable production, which is increasingly important to regulators and major fuel buyers.
  • Benefit from a competitive advantage from the RSB’s active work to prioritize certification of their entire supply chain, with clear benefits for their suppliers and customers at the same time.

The RSB is a multi-stakeholder initiative hosted by the Energy Center of EPFL that has developed a global sustainability standard and certification system for biofuel production.

The RSB global sustainability standard represents a global consensus of over 120 organizations from farmers to refiners, regulators and NGOs and was intentionally designed to ensure the sustainability of biofuels production while streamlining compliance for industry.

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