GPC and ANES join forces to supply power in rural schools in Mexico

Green Power Conferences (GPC) company in charge of the organization of the MIREC WEEK 2015, one of the main events in the clean energy industry, as well as the Asociación Nacional de Energía Solar (ANES), strategic partner of the event, have joined forces with the company ILUMÉXICO to contribute to the power supply of a rural school in Mexico.

This support will contribute to providing equipment and power supply to a rural school of the state of Campeche, with the installation of solar panels. The project is part of the program “Iluescuelas” of ILUMÉXICO, a social enterprise originally founded by Mexican entrepreneurs, with the main objective of providing clean technology energy equipment for schools in areas with high and very high marginalization.

According to the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP), it is estimated that there are over 18,000 schools that do not have power supply in Mexico, of which over 120 are located in Campeche.

Ana María Martínez, Sales Director of ILUMÉXICO claims that “A school with access to power supply has the possibility to expand the number of education resources related to teaching and learning processes”. The support of GPC and ANES to the “Iluescuelas” program consists of three solar systems with PV panels as well as a training program for the good care and maintenance of the equipment. Likewise, Martínez reported “With this support, the Iluescuelas program would have contributed to the equipment of 28 rural schools in Veracruz, Campeche, Quintana Roo, Oaxaca and Guerrero”.

On that subject, Nadim Chaudhry, CEO of GPC confirmed their commitment with their support to projects that will improve school conditions in Mexico with the use of renewable sources, and claimed that “Besides contributing to a cause of the greatest importance, as it is the education, projects like this show the ability of companies that use clean energy to contribute to solving social problems in a sustainable way and, this way have a positive impact on communities”.

On his part, Alberto Valdés, President of ANES commented that while it is true that Mexico is redesigning its energy structure by implementing a large-scale overhaul, there are still inaccessible places of the country that can be electrified by means of autonomous PV systems.

He said “Moreover, due to the conditions of marginalization of those communities, the participation of companies and organizations for the purpose of social improvement is vital to bring the benefits of sustainable electrification using solar energy”.

The ANES representative expressed his support to this ILUMEXICO-Green Power Conferences (GPC) initiative to pool their experience in the installation of more than 3,400 photovoltaic electrification systems to strengthen the economic and social development in Mexico.

Finally, GPC and ANES used this opportunity to make public the details regarding the MIREC WEEK 2015, which will take place in the Camino Real Polanco hotel in Mexico City form the 18th to the 22nd of May. This is Mexico’s longest running and largest event regarding solar clean energy. The congresswill gather investors, developers, experts and industry leaders to address the challenges and opportunities of the regulation, operation, and financing of solar, wind, geothermal, and hydro projects.

MIREC WEEK 2015 will see the participation of high ranking officials from Regulatory bodies, as well as Government agencies and institutions of Mexico from the energy industry. It is expected to gather over 900 national and international representatives and over 100 speakers, with an exhibition area where over 270 companies from the clean energy industry in Mexico and the rest of the World will take part.

For more information about MIREC WEEK 2015 visit or contact Zumma:

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