French microorganisms boost municipal wastewater treatment in Malaysia

NeoBio, a French complex microorganisms ecosystem that excels at digesting organic waste matter, has been applied for the first time in July in a municipal wastewater treatment plant in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The plant’s operator, a leading wastewater treatment public company, aims at boosting treatment capacity and reduce operating costs by adding microorganisms to the inflow.

Surges in influent pollution levels are absorbed thanks to NeoBio’s quick action while operating cost-savings are expected from reducing blower usage in aerators.

Maintenance  costs will also be reduced as sludge digestion takes place: an average 40% of the sludge volume will be digested by the microorganisms’ action.

Weekly laboratory influent and effluent analysis have already recorded substantial drops in BOD, COD and Ammoniacal Nitrogen, confirming NeoBio’s expected benefits. The second phase of the project, reducing blower usage to save on electricity, will begin at the end of the month.

NeoBio has been developed in collaboration with the Louis Pasteur Institute and is manufactured in France. Made of 100% natural microorganism strains, it is harmless to people, animals, fish and plants. Its versatility makes it an ideal solution for septic tanks, grease traps and wastewater treatment plants.

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