Finding value for flared gas

Gas flaring is one of the most challenging energy and environmental problems that worlds facing today. Bringing attention to achieve sustainability and energy efficiency, the Gas Flaring Reduction - Interactive Workshop commenced at Park Rotana, Abu Dhabi UAE on Tuesday.

The workshop began with opening remarks by Chairman Mohammed Daoud, Manager – Engineering and Projects from ADCO followed by a key note address by Maria Cordiero, Senior Environmental Analyst at Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, UAE. Maria presented on the concept of gas flaring by elaborating the policy framework and regulations.

Shifting focus on successful projects insights, the delegates heard about ADMA-OPCO‘s “Multi Million Dollar Gas Processing Facility (GPF) Project in Zakum Fields“ and ‘Effective Flare Management at the Habshan Gas Field Projects’ by Mahboob Mian, Environment Services Section Leader from ADMA-OPCO and Ali Nasser Al Hamadi, Operations Manager from GASCO respectively.

Day one, concluded with a panel discussion moderated by industry experts from ADMA-OPCO, ADGAS & GASCO. They had an interactive session on finding common grounds and striking the right balance for flare management between stakeholders.

Embarking on the forum, Fazal Ali Khan, CNG Development Manager from EMGAS shared successful case studies on various alternative usage options that can be implemented by oil & gas plants. Other workshops conducted were about flare gas recovery (FGR) and reduction initiatives by Saudi Kayan Petrochemical & ADGAS.

Post luncheon, the attendees will hear from Environment Specialist - Tanzeem Siddiqui from Petro Rabigh providing insights on gas flare systems and moderator Fazal Ali Khan and panelists Anil Kewalramani, Tanzeem Siddiqui & Mohamad Al Ali debating on the technical and commercial feasibilities of the available technologies for flare management.

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Media Contact:
Alphy Nangani
E: | T: +971-4609-1570

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