Entire food value chain meets to discuss sustainable agriculture strategies for food security

How can agriculture feed a world of 9 billion people as resources dwindle? How do we produce more for less? The World Sustainable Agriculture Congress 2012 will discuss revolutionizing the food industry through building of partnerships across the entire food value chain.

From 10th to 12th July 2012, food and agriculture leaders from Asia and around the world will meet at World Sustainable Agriculture Congress 2012. The event is supported by Fauna & Flora International (FFI), Asian Farmers Association (AFA), National Farmers Federation (NFF) and the Federation of Free Farmers Cooperatives.

The world’s population had just crossed the 7 billion mark and is projected to reach 9 billion by 2045. With so many more mouths to feed, the global food industry is set to grow from US$11.6 trillion in 2009 to an estimated US$15 trillion in 2014. However, increasingly limited resources, climate change, loss of arable land and various other factors have led to fluctuations in food supply and increased crop prices.

Sustainable agriculture and its adoption will play a pivotal role in determining challenges of feeding growing global population. To keep the population fed, it was estimated that global food production must double by 2050. To achieve this, strategic use of technology, regulations, private sector initiatives, farmer education, certification and NGO support is needed.

In order to ensure sufficient food to feed the world’s population, sustainability must be built into the food system and this is as important for the developing world as it is for the developed countries. Sustainable agriculture is no longer just a good idea but a must for ensuring long term growth for countries and corporations alike.

Hiroyuki Konuma, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative of FAO, said: “We must produce more food in the Asia-Pacific for an ever-increasing population. Greater supply and availability of nutritious and safe foods at affordable prices, combined with nutritional awareness and education, will increase food security. A focus on increased investment in agriculture and food security is also an essential component of this process.”

In order to maximize potential of the sustainable agricultural industry in Asia, food manufacturers, agriculture regulators, farming associations, investors, NGOs and other stakeholders must come closer together to exploit existing synergies from the angle of the entire value chain in the food industry.

Recognizing the industry’s needs, World Sustainable Agriculture Summit 2012 is organized to bring together a distinguished panel of speakers including food manufacturers, agriculture regulators, farming associations, investors, NGOs and other stakeholders to address challenges and explore opportunities.

Participants will discuss sustainable agricultural initiatives, business strategies, market trends, partnership case studies, investments and financing opportunities to facilitate growth and successes in the agricultural industry. Meanwhile, successful case studies, lessons learned and best practices will be shared by key speakers from across the world. Cutting-edge technologies such as seed and agricultural biotechnology, crop protection, soil enhancements, farming machinery, water management and information systems will also be a feature of this event.

Key speaking faculty includes:

Professor Paul Teng, Senior Fellow, Food Security, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore

Mr Yong Lee Keng, Head of Agriculture Services, Nestle, Malaysia

Ms Maria Estrella Penunia, Secretary General, Asia Farmers Association, Philippines

Dr Agus Pakpahan, Chairman, Biosafety Commission of Genetically Engineered Product (KKH), Indonesia

Dr Andrew Powell, CEO, Asia Biobusiness, Singapore

Mr Bruce Blakeman, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Cargill, Singapore

Ms Anna Lyons, Programme Manager - Business & Biodiversity, Fauna & Flora International, Singapore

Ms Jeanne Stampe, Asia Commodities and Finance Specialist, WWF, Singapore

Mr Michiel Hendriksz, Director, Sustainability Programs, ADM Cocoa, Switzerland

Mr Javed Mir, Director, Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Southeast Asia Department, ADB, Philippines

Partnerships from multiple parties along the agricultural value chain will be formed at World Sustainable Agriculture Summit 2012. The building of such partnerships will hasten the evolution of the industry, heralding a new era of sustainable agriculture.

Act now to be part of the ONLY and most influential sustainable agricultural industry gathering in Asia in 2012! To discuss your potential involvement, please email Eugene at eugene.sim@imapac.com or call him at +65 6493 2095.

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