Energy Storage Europe 2016: 50 per cent increase in exhibitors

A total of 140 exhibitors will be present at the Energy Storage Europe 2016 specialist trade fair this year. This corresponds to an increase of around 50 per cent in comparison with the previous year.

The range of products, technologies and research topics on display covers battery storage, thermal and mechanical storage and Power2Gas. In addition, production technologies and services relating to the use of storage will be presented.

The 5th Energy Storage Conference (ESE) and the 10th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2016) will take place in parallel with the trade fair. This year, the IRES alone spans around 20 top-class sessions in which numerous fields of research and application examples will be dealt with.

Wide range of technologies is the key to success

For Thomas Speidel, Managing Director of the storage provider and conference sponsor ads-tec, the wide range of technologies in the storage industry is a key to its success: “We are experiencing a disruptive change to our energy economy. That is why quickly scalable storage technologies such as battery storage, which can easily be rolled out, are beneficial.”

Other technologies such as electrolysis and hydrogen storage, for example, are required in order to be able to store large quantities of energy over longer periods of time. This energy can then be used in hydrogen-powered vehicles or stationary fuel cells.

Thomas Speidel will go into his theses in more detail in the conference session “Energy Storage Systems for the Energy Turnaround in Industrial and Utility Markets“. Political and market topics will be dealt with throughout the whole programme for the Energy Storage Conference as well as in “Finance Track” led by the VDE Institute on the second day of the conference.

Direct link to the conference programme
Direct link to registration

About the trade fair as well as the ESE and IRES conferences

Energy Storage Europe 2016 is the trade fair with the world’s largest conference programme on energy storage. The conference consists of the 5th Energy Storage Conference (ESE) and the 10th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2016).

The focuses are economy and finance (ESE) as well as science and social policy (IRES). The 5th OTTI-Conference Power-to-Gas and 9th Storage Day side events are taking place at the same time at the exhibition centre in Düsseldorf. From 15 to 17 March 2016, a total of 140 exhibitors and 3,000 participants from more than 45 countries are expected.

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