Eco-Products 2015: Gathering Japan’s cutting edge environmental technologies

Nikkei Inc and the Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry (JEMAI) will hold “Eco-Products 2015” at Tokyo Big Sight from December 10th (Thu) to 12th (Sat), 2015.

Eco-Products 2015 is one of the largest interactive environmental events in Japan, and provides visitors with an opportunity to experience cutting-edge products and services that are people, environment, and earth friendly. Over 160,000 people are expected to visit Eco-Products 2015 over its three-day run.

This marks the 17th year of the event, where over 700 companies and organizations will be on hand to present their exhibits. Leading Japanese companies from a variety of industries will showcase the latest in environmental technologies, eco-products, and services. These will cover eco-cars, energy-saving appliances, eco-materials, recycling, renewable energy, everyday products, distribution and more.

In addition to the corporate exhibits will be a wide range of programs offered by the event sponsors. In environmental and energy sectors, sponsors will introduce the fields being opened up by hydrogen, which is been drawing notable attention as the ultimate in clean energy.

Aside from these sectors, visitors will also find programs based on a diverse range of themes geared towards building a sustainable society. Some of these include a program entitled “Japanese Food Zone - ‘Japanese Food & Eco-Friendly Wisdom and Technology’” which relates the appeal of washoku, as well as a corner dedicated to introducing ethical lifestyles and consumption habits that are friendly to the environment and society.

Also on exhibit will be the waste-powered DeLorean from blockbuster “Back to the Future.”
- Eco-Products 2015 Highlights –

Japan’s leading environmental technologies all gathered under one roof. Guests can experience the future of society first-hand through programs put together by a variety of sponsors:

Hydrogen Society – Paving the Way to the Future of Energy and the Environment
Hydrogen, which has been attracting notable attention as a clean energy, is to become a key energy source. The resulting society that will support our lives and industries will be introduced to visitors in an easy-to-understand manner through various seminars, and through exhibits revealing fuel-cell vehicles, hydrogen stations, a fuel-cell powered forklift, and more.

Japanese Food Zone - Japanese Food & Eco-Friendly Wisdom and Technology
“Washoku” has been rising in popularity after being designated by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage. Based on the theme “Washoku, traditional dietary cultures of the Japanese,” visitors will be introduced to the traditional food style behind this as well as the most recent information which will pass the appeal of washoku on to future generations.

GO! DeLorean Driving Project
This year marks the 30th anniversary of blockbuster “Back to the Future.” Taking the stage here will be the realization of the waste-powered DeLorean, just as seen in the movie. Let’s all work together to recycle unused items to use as resources for our future.

Exhibition Overview
Name: Eco-Products 2015 (17th Annual)
Dates: Thursday, December 10th to Saturday, December 12th, 2015
Times: Thursday & Friday 10:00 to 18:00. Saturday 10:00 to 17:00
Venue: Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo, Japan)
Entrance Fee: Free (Entrance Registration System)
Sponsors: Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry, Nikkei Inc.

Target Visitors:  Business executives, Managers, Environmental Management, Product Development,Business Strategy, Social Responsibility Departments Regional Promotion Departments of Local Governments, Government bodies such as: Purchasing Departments, and Environmental Departments Environmental NPOs, and NGOs, Civic Groups, other persons or groups interested in the environment, The General Public


Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available:

Eco-Products 2015 Public Relations Office,
within Kyodo Public Relations
Keisuke Nakazato, +81-3-3571-5238 (Japanese only)

Source: Eco-Products 2015


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