EarthCheck Sustainability Standard receives GSTC endorsement

EarthCheck, the world’s leading benchmarking and certification program for the travel and tourism industry, recently released its new global standard.

The new EarthCheck Standard raises the bar in delivering for the first time an integrated sustainability reporting platform that is aligned with other global reporting systems such as the GRI and ISO 14001.

Stewart Moore, EC3 Global and EarthCheck CEO, stated that the new Standard delivers a holistic program to meet the individual needs of organisations working in the travel and tourism sector.

“EarthCheck once again leads the way in delivering a system that is user friendly and compliant with all the major international sustainability reporting platforms,” said Mr Moore.

The GSTC accreditation panel endorsed the new EarthCheck Standard when it officially awarded EarthCheck with unconditional recognition.

The GSTC recognition of the Standard reinforces EarthCheck’s leading position in the sustainable tourism benchmarking and certification marketplace.

Professor David Simmons, the Chairman of the EarthCheck Research Institute and Professor of Tourism and University Director of Research Strategy and Development at Lincoln University in New Zealand, notes that EarthCheck uses leading edge science to delivery industry baselines and benchmarking data.

Having already certified and benchmarked more than 1,300 organisations in over 70 countries, EC3 Global is highly regarded for its suite of sustainability design, construction and operational performance standards.

“There are no short cuts, no ways to buy your way in; it’s a matter of being able to prove the integrity of an organisation’s operational practices year-in and year-out, and then be willing to have everything verified by an independent, third party auditor,” said Mr Moore.

The new EarthCheck Standard can be purchased from the EarthCheck Store at

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