Creating eco-technology possibilities for the future

The mounting awareness and urgent need for environment protection and the ensuing “green consumerism” worldwide have prompted businesses and governments to evaluate consumption patterns and manufacturing processes.

According to German consultants Roland Berger , the global market for environmental products and services runs at around US$1,370 billion (S$1,754 billion), and by 2020, it could double to US$2,740 billion (S$3,507 billion). Considering Singapore’s ICT industry was valued at S$62.74 billion in 2009 , up from S$58.10 billion in 2008, green solutions looks set to become a central concern for this sector in the years ahead.

To align itself with the global trend towards green technologies, SITEX, Singapore’s stalwart consumer IT and electronics exhibition, is staying ahead of the competition and growing beyond its conventional boundaries and towards increasing green awareness among local technology consumers.

Fresh segment to showcase environmentally friendly products

This year, the aptly-named brand new segment, Green IT, will feature a stunning array of eco-friendly products like anti-virus software, batteries, home appliances and notebooks by the likes of Emjay Enterprises, FMI, GP Battery, H2H Group, Lenovo Singapore, McCoy Consumers, Symantec, and so on.

Eugene Liew, Country Manager, Home & Small-Medium Business, Lenovo Singapore, shares, ”Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the need to protect and sustain the environment and importantly are making purchases that reflect their environmentally conscious lifestyles. Technology can be one of the biggest enablers of an environmentally friendly lifestyle with a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the adoption of telecommuting, virtual meetings and energy management practices. As a PC company with one of the largest number of products certified by various environmental agencies, Lenovo is committed to sustainability because not only is it important to many of our customers and stakeholders, it’s important to us too. Being a good corporate citizen is not only good for our business. It’s the right thing to do.”

Ken Siow, General Manager of McCoy Consumers Pte Ltd, which is offering Singapore’s original patented Laundry Ball by Biounme, says, “McCoy believes that consumer tech manufacturers are now competing in the green space not just for how much they are doing to diminish their carbon footprint or diminish energy demands in their operations, but also in what their consumer goods will require, use recyclable materials, and produce products that support green living. For example, the eco-friendly and chemical-free Biounme Laundry Ball is endorsed by several environmental agencies including FDA, NSF International and SGS, helps consumers save cost and conserve energy when washing clothes. It is also 100% baby safe and ideal for people with sensitive skin.”

Vishnu Metheram, Executive Director of Emjay Enterprises, which is presenting SANYO’s Air Washer Plus at SITEX, “SANYO has provided numerous products using its unique electrolysed water technology dating back to 1987, but this is the first air treatment product SANYO has introduced to the world for home use. In an urbanised environment like Singapore’s, people typically live close to sources of pollution and infection. The Washer uses its unique electrolysed water technology to safely suppress various bacteria and germs and disinfect the air. It has been scientifically proven by independent organisations to be up to 99% effective.”

Show visitors to join in the global call for action

Beyond just purchasing green products, visitors to SITEX can also partake in other green activities. Designated recycling bins provided by Clean Solutions will be placed right outside one of the show halls so that they may discard unwanted electronic items and used brochures and flyers conveniently. What is more, all proceeds from this recycling effort will go to the Society for the Physically Disabled.

Cash Converters, a partner at SITEX since 2007, will also be on hand for visitors to exchange their quality working-condition electronic items for instant cash. Some of the accepted items include computers and notebooks (Pentium IV and above), PDAs, mobile phones, printers, digital cameras, TVs, MP3 players, portable DVD players.

Peter Goh, Chairman of the Green IT Chapter Exco 2010/2011 at SiTF, shares, ”This chapter was formed in November 2008 in response to the urgency to climate change and sustainability issues, which the ICT sector is well-positioned to help address. We are heartened to note that this platform has helped to raise awareness in the industry in adopting green practices and nurture innovative opportunities for businesses to extend environmentally friendly products and services to consumers so that we may all do our part for Mother Earth.”

SITEX will be held at Halls 4 to 6 of Singapore Expo from 25 to 28 November.

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